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head image digital libraries initiative
DLI2 Funded ProjectsInternational ProjectsSpecial Projects ITRSpecial Projects ProgramFunded WorkshopsNews & Events
Newsletters & MagazinesMailing ListsContactsGlossaryPhoto GallerySearchSite MapDLI Phase One

Wave of the Future: NSF Post Digital Libraries Futures Workshop, June 15-17 2003

Final version of the report of the committee on cyberinfrastructure to support science.

NSF-DELOS Working group reports

Report on the Fourth DELOS Workshop: Evaluation of Digital Libraries: Testbeds, Measurements, and Metrics (html) (pdf)

Presentations from the DLI2/IMLS/NSDL Principal Investigators Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 17-18, 2002

NSF/Mellon Digital Imagery for Works of Art workshop and report

DLI2/JISC All Projects Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 24-25, 2002

EC/NSF Digital Library All Projects Meeting, Rome, Italy, March 25-26, 2002

FY02 Information Technology Research (ITR) Awards announced

DLI2 Mailing List Archives: A Mailing list archival site for the digital libraries research community

program announcments

NEW Information Technology Research (ITR) (NSF 04-012 FY 2004) (OPEN)

National Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library (NSDL) (NSF 03-530) (Closed)

Previous Program Announcements...

sponsor agencies and programs

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Digital Libraries Initiative

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Technology Office

National Library of Medicine (NLM) Extramural Programs

Library of Congress (LOC) Digital Library Initiatives

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Digital Library Initiative

National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)

In Partnership with:

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

Smithsonian Institution (SI)

Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) IMLS PROJECTS

dli2/special projects in the news
stanford digital libraries technologies All Eyes on Google, Forbes.com, May 23, 2003
OYEZ project Download Supreme Court Audio: OYEZ Project lets public listen to history, www.delawareonline.com, Business News, August 8, 2003
coplink project Software Helps Police Draw Crime Links, The Boston Globe, July 17, 2003
cuneiform digital library Cuneiform bits become history bytes, Calendarlive, May27, 2003
digital sankrit A New Tool for Translating Ancient, Flowing Script, The New York Times Online, May 21, 2003
digital morphology Peering Inside Fossils:
Paleontologist Uses High-Tech Scans to Probe Relics of the Past
, NPR, March 10, 2003
eskeletons project Private Anatomy Lesson, Science, vol 299, 10 January 2003
international children's digital  library Online Library Project Plans a Digital and Cultural Trove for Children, The New York Times Online, December 5, 2002
camileon project Digital Doomsday book unlocked, BBCi, Monday, 2 December, 2002
online music recognition and searching (omras) Om tiddly om pom: Music-recognition software. The Economist, 10/19/2002, Vol. 365 Issue 8295, p77, 1p
digital workflow management In Remote Library Stacks, an All-Seeing, Scanning Robot, The New York Times Online, June 27, 2002
cunieform digital library 5000 Year Old Cunieform Tablets Go Digital, Slashdot, Friday, May 17, 2002
columbia natural processing group Mechanical Prose, The Economist Online, March 14, 2002
open citation project Boost for Research Paper Access (Open Citation Project and the Open Archives Initiative), BBC News Online
stanford digital libraries Safe Keeping, The Economist, Sept 22, 2001, Technology Quarterly Review
columbia university robotics group Seeking Ancient Life? Ask the Robot Where to Trowel, The New York Times Online, November 8, 2001
cuneiform digital library Project Aims to Make Cuneiform Collections Available to Researchers Worldwide, The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 9, 2001

Previous highlights and DLI2 in the News..


This web site is maintained for the community by the Special Projects Program in the Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) Division of the Directorate for Computer and Information Science Engineering (CISE). For official NSF documents, please visit the NSF web site.