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Welcome to the
Microscopy & Microanalysis WWW Site

Hosted by the AAEM & TPM Projects

at Argonne National Laboratory

You are Visitor Number 117529

This WWW server can provides you with access to up-to-date information about State-of-the-Art Microscopy and Microanalysis programs in the AAEM/TPM effort of the ANL Materials Science Division as well as general information about On-Line information services which are administered for Local, National and International Microscopy/Microanalysis Societies. This information is provided courtesy of your friendly neighborhood SysOp.

Each line of highlighted text (in color and underlined) is a software link to another document or information resource somewhere at ANL or via the Internet to another site. Single click on any colorized & highlighted phrase to automatically follow a link to expanded documentation and/or find additional information.

Analytical Microscopy Project

TelePresence Microscopy Project


On-Line Software (Java)

From Ants to Atoms
A Virtual Laboratory

Plasma Cleaning Technology
for Contamination Mitigation
in Analytical Electron Microscopy
Maps to ANL
PDF Slides/Lecture Notes of Short Courses given by Nestor


Information Services for the Microscopy and Microanalysis Community

Connection to MSA Microscopy ListServer and Archives

Connection to Microscopy & Microanalysis FTP Site and access Software/Image Libraries

List of Meetings, Conferences and Workshops on Microscopy and Microanalysis

. . . .

National/International WWW Sites for Microscopy & Microanalysis

National/International Microscopy Societies

University/Educational Sites

Governmental Laboratory Sites

Commerical Organization Sites

NonProfit Organization Sites

Individual Investigator and/or Miscellaneous
     Microscopy & Microanalysis Sites

Other Sites Related to Microscopy & Microanalysis

Non Microscopy & Microanalysis WWW Sites

If any other Microscopy and/or Microanalysis Society/Organization would like to be listed on this page contact Nestor J. Zaluzec (Email: I will gladly add the hypertext link. You may also use this Electronic Form to submit your information.

Overview of Argonne

Security Notice

This web site is part of a Federal computer system used to accomplish Federal functions. The Department of Energy monitors this web site for security purposes to ensure it remains available to all users and to protect information in the system. By accessing this web site, you are expressly consenting to these monitoring activities.

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Nestor J. Zaluzec /