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U.S. Savings Bonds - Savings Bond Wizard (R) Version IV
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New Features

The Wizard has a whole new look and feel; you'll see all new graphics and screen designs. But don't worry, the new version does everything the old version did and more! Other notable changes include:

  1. Interest Amounts - If you open an inventory file created from a prior version of the Wizard, you may see a difference in the totals. Beginning with Pricing Dates of January 2002, the Wizard shows interest amounts (if any) for bonds that are less than six months old. For Pricing Dates prior to 2002, the Wizard doesn't show interest until a bond becomes eligible for redemption (after 6 months for bonds issued January 2003 or earlier, and after 12 months for bonds issued February 2003 or later).

  2. Importing and Exporting - Now the Wizard imports inventory files created from the Savings Bond Calculator (our web pricing tool) and saved as *.htm files. The Wizard also imports inventory files created from other spreadsheet software (i.e., Microsoft® Excel) and saved as *.csv files. In addition, the Wizard exports to both of these formats.

  3. Tracking Cashed and Exchanged Bonds - Now the Wizard tracks the bonds you've cashed or exchanged. When you cash or exchange a bond, you supply the date and the Wizard marks the bond so it's totals are reflected appropriately in the inventory totals. If needed, the Wizard has cashed and exchanged reports that you can view on line or print.

  4. Earnings/Interest Rate - In addition to the "Yield-To-Date", the Wizard now displays the rate each bond is earning in the current 6 month earnings period.

  5. Note and Descriptions - Older versions of the Wizard used color codes to indicate certain conditions or important facts about your bonds. Since the tracking of cashed and exchanged bonds was added, color coding became too confusing. Thus, it was changed to an abbreviated note. It can be turned on/off under the View menu. You'll also find a description of each possible note on the footer of all reports.

  6. Specialized Reports - The Wizard now offers a wide selection of reports. If you select Print... from the File menu or the Print... icon, the Wizard automatically prints the Active Inventory report; it is not displayed in a print preview screen. If you select a report from the Reports menu, the Wizard presents a print preview of that report; you can print a hard copy if you need it.

  7. Easy Inventory Builder - If you've purchased a specific series and denomination on a regular basis over the years, the Wizard now easily builds your inventory for you. Simply use the new Easy Inventory Builder... tool and enter the series, denomination(s) and issue dates. Then, select the frequency of your purchases. Finally, select where you want the bonds placed (in the active inventory or a new inventory) and the Wizard will add them to your inventory. You may then add your savings bonds' serial numbers if you wish to record them.

  8. Redemption Values Update Process - The update process has never been easier. If your PC is Internet-ready, it's completely automated. With one click, the Wizard connects, downloads, expands and updates your Wizard. Each update contains all available redemption values from January 1996 through the current rate period.

    If your PC isn't Internet-ready, it's still easier but it takes a couple more steps. First, you'll manually have to get the update file (e.g., have a friend or relative download it to diskette). Once you have the update diskette and start the update process, you'll then need to browse and find the update file. Once you've located it, the Wizard copies, expands and updates your Wizard.

You can learn more about these and more of the Wizard's features from the Wizard's help system.

We hope you enjoy using the Wizard and look forward to your comments and suggestions.

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Savings Bond Wizard is a trademark of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt.