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Community Based Services

This section provides resources on how community based organizations - such as employers, non-profits and faith-based organizations - can become involved in welfare reform.

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General Topic

  • State Contracting Guide: A Guide to Working with the State, September 2004

    This guidebook was developed specifically for small community-based, faith-based, and minority nonprofit organizations in Louisiana who are committed to providing valuable social services, leadership, and hope to needy citizens in Louisiana's most vulnerable communities. Information is provided on the competitive RFP process and contracting work with the State. The guidebook is part of a broader effort by Louisiana State government to increase the capacity of non-profit organizations in the State.

    To view or download: http://www.state.la.us/tanf/WORKBOOK_contract.pdf

  • Grant Writing Guide: Writing Successful Proposals, September 2004

    This grant writing guide was developed specifically for small community-based, faith-based, and minority nonprofit organizations in Louisiana who are committed to providing valuable social services, leadership, and hope to needy citizens in Louisiana's most vulnerable communities. Information is provided on creating a program abstract, writing a statement of need, developing a proposal and implementation plan, measuring performance, and formulating a budget. The guide is part of a broader effort by Louisiana State government to increase the capacity of non-profit organizations in the State.

    To view or download: http://www.state.la.us/tanf/WORKBOOK_orgman.pdf

  • The Nonprofit Toolkit: Helping You Compete, September 2004

    This toolkit of information was developed specifically for small community-based, faith-based, and minority nonprofit organizations in Louisiana who are committed to providing valuable social services, leadership, and hope to needy citizens in Louisiana's most vulnerable communities. Information is provided on mission and organization development, creating programs, measuring results, grant-writing, managing funds, sustainability, and creating partnerships. The toolkit is part of a broader effort by Louisiana State government to increase the capacity of non-profit organizations in the State.

    To view or download: http://www.state.la.us/tanf/WORKBOOK_nonprofit.pdf

  • The ARC Initiative: Accessing Resources for Community- and Faith-based Organizations, March 2004

    This Web site link describes the ARC Initiative, as part of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC). ARC stands for Accessing Resources for Community- and Faith-based organizations. The ARC Initiative is focused on delivering training and technical assistance on the Federal grants process to community-based, faith-based, and nonprofit organizations to enhance their capacity to compete for Federal funding, form partnerships, and ultimately transform American communities. ARC will be holding four regional trainings between May and August 2004 entitled Navigating the Federal funding process. Interested community- and faith-based organizations (CBO/FBOs) are encouraged to register and attend.

    To view: http://arc.nttac.org/about.cfm

  • Local Initiatives Support Coalition (LISC) eNewsletter, December 17, 2003 edition

    The Local Initiatives Support Coalition (LISC) puts out a monthly eNewsletter that provides information on Conferences and Events, Funding Opportunities, Resource Information, Policy News, and Other Features.

    To view: http://www.liscnet.org/resources/enews/2003/dec/17/enews.html#SEC5

  • Final Report on the Neighborhood Jobs Initiative: Lessons and Implications for Future Community Employment Initiatives March 2003

    Unlike traditional employment programs that have tried to address poverty by focusing on efforts that assist individuals, the Neighborhood Jobs Initiative (NJI) took aim at alleviating concentrated poverty by raising employment levels of entire neighborhoods and, thereby, gradually transform low-income communities. Working through community organizations with strong ties to neighborhood residents, NJI helped mobilize public and private partners to identify - and reach - concrete, ambitious employment targets. Drawing upon the experiences of the lead community organizations during the initiative's implementation phase, this third and final NJI report explores the feasibility and effectiveness of NJI's novel approach to neighborhood revitalization.

    To view: http://www.mdrc.org/Reports2003/nji_final_report/nji_overview.htm

  • Publication of an “Incarcerated Parents’ Handbook on Child Support Services, Arrears, and Parenting" -- A Prototype for States

    According to the findings of an OCSE-funded research and evaluation project (Colorado’s Work and Family Center), the average incarcerated & paroled non-custodial parent has a child support order of $178 per month and owes nearly $12,000 in arrears upon release from prison based on a 3-year incarceration period.

    The purpose of this handbook is:

    • To provide written information to parents, subsequent to conviction and during the first 3 months of incarceration, that would explain the possibility of having their child support order reduced during the time they reside in a correctional facility;
    • To describe the process that the incarcerated parent should follow in requesting a child support modification along with a sample form letter and the names/address of family courts in the state where the order was established;
    • To include a voluntary paternity acknowledgment form that unmarried fathers, who are confident that they have children, can sign in order to expedite a paternity establishment order via the Child Support agency and/or the courts; and
    • To provide information on child development, parenting skills, and ways that parents can stay in touch with their children during their time of incarceration.

    To view: http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cse/pubs/2001/best/colorado.html

Employer Outreach/Business Partners

  • The Role of Intermediaries in Linking TANF Recipients with Jobs,February 2000

    This study by Mathematica Policy Research examines how widely intermediaries are used, who these intermediaries are, how they operate, and the issues they face in linking welfare recipients with jobs.

    To view: http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/intermediaries00/index.htm

Faith-Based Organizations

  • Holistic Faith-Based Development: Toward a Conceptual Framework, a report by the Roundtable on Religion and Social Policy, October 2004

    This report explores the active role faith-based organizations are taking to better serve human, economic and neighborhood needs in their communities. The report is authored by John M. Wallace, Jr. PhD. of the University of Pittsburgh's School of Social Work, Valerie L. Meyers, PhD. of the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, and Jim Holley, PhD. of the Historic Little Rock Missionary Baptist Church. In particular, the report notes that African-American churches have tended to take the lead in implementing holistic methods to solving community problems. It includes a case study of one such ministry that has been using a holistic approach to transform an inner-city neighborhood in Detroit.

    To view or download: http://www.religionandsocialpolicy.org/docs/public_resources/holistic_faith-based_development.pdf

  • Amachi In Brief, a Public/Private Ventures Issue Brief, February 2004

    Authored by Chelsea Farley. This issue brief describes the Philadelphia-based Amachi program, which partners faith-based organizations with public agencies and nonprofit service providers to identify children of prisoners and match them with caring adult volunteers.

    To view or download: Download Document [93 KB]

  • Charitable Choice Provisions Applicable to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program

    To view: http://www.hhs.gov/fbci/finalTANF_ccregs.pdf

  • Is "Charitable Choice" Compatible With the First Amendment? Is it a Good Idea? Does it Work?, September 2003

    This paper is part of the work of the Rockefeller Institute of Government's Roundtable on Religion & Social Welfare Policy. Authored by Richard P. Nathan and David J. Wright.

    To view: http://www.rockinst.org/publications/urban_studies/Princeton_talk_final.pdf
  • Faith-Based and Community Initiative (FBCI)

    The new FBCI web area features information on the Faith-Based and Community Initiative, lists links to funding opportunities, offers descriptions of featured programs, and describes resources for faith-based and community organizations. The site also provides links to key websites such as the HHS Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (CFBCI), the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, and the Compassion Capital Fund National Resource Center.

    To view: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/fbci/

  • A Report on Charitable Choice Implementation in 15 States

    To view: http://www.hudsonfaithincommunities.org/

  • The Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy, 2003

    The Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy Web site includes an independent review of research studies conducted to date, evaluating the effectiveness and efficacy of faith-based organizations involved in delivering social services. It also addresses the need for a more balanced assessment of the emerging role of faith-based organizations in the American social welfare system. The content of the Web site includes: news, past and upcoming events, field scholars, legal updates and publications, research projects, links to resources, and a message board allowing participation in discussion groups organized by topic.

    To view: http://www.religionandsocialpolicy.org/

  • Faith In Communities: Fruitful Collaborations - A Survey of Government-funded Faith-Based Collaborations in 15 States, September 2002

    The Hudson Institute, with the Center for Public Justice, hosted a panel discussion at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on September 4, 2002. The dual purposes of this panel were: 1) to announce the release of a study by Amy Sherman, Ph.D., a Senior Fellow at Hudson, and John Green, Ph.D., Director of the Bliss Institute at the University of Akron, and; 2) to discuss results of the study from the Federal, State, and local/grassroots perspective.

    Download Document [26 KB]
  • Building on Faith Tools to Fund Faith-Based & Community Programs, June 2002

    To view or download: Download Report [33 KB]

  • West-Central Hub "Outreach to Faith and Community", May 2002

    The ACF West-Central Hub sponsored a conference entitled “Outreach to Faith and Community: Renewing Our Commitment,” May 14-16, 2002, in New Orleans, Louisiana. This event was designed to support the White House’s Initiative on Rallying the Armies of Compassion and the DHHS/ACF initiative to remove barriers to full participation of faith-based and community services in the delivery of government-funded social services. The conference also showcased ACF’s national initiatives in relation to strengthening families through promoting healthy marriages, parenting skills, and responsible fatherhood or male involvement in support of child well-being.

    Download Document [83 KB]
  • Faith in Communities: Briefing on Charitable Choice Implementation Efforts in the States, April 2002

    The Hudson Institute, with the Center for Public Justice, hosted a panel discussion at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on April 24, 2002. The dual purposes of this panel were: 1) to announce the release of a study by Amy Sherman, Ph.D., a Senior Fellow at Hudson, dealing with the partnerships between State and local governments and faith-based service providers, and; 2) to discuss the particular strategies employed by Summit County (Akron), Ohio for partnering with the faith-based community.

    To view or download: Download Report [111 KB]

  • Faith-Based Partnerships: Charitable Choice and State TANF Programs, September 2001

    The provisions of Charitable Choice changed the landscape of social service delivery in the United States by placing faith-based organizations on an even plane with other nongovernmental contractors. Developed from interviews with TANF and faith-based stakeholders in five States, Faith-Based Partnerships: Charitable Choice and State TANF Programs explains the provisions of Charitable Choice and offers concrete examples of promising practices across the country. Also included is information on advocacy groups and litigation surrounding Charitable Choice. The Appendices provide answers to frequently asked questions as well as references for additional information.

    To view or download: Download Report [273 KB]

  • Charitable Choice Implementation Guide, January 2001

    The Center for Public Justice provides information and resources on Charitable Choice, including a "how-to" guide for federal, state, and local officials.

    To view: http://www.cpjustice.org/charitablechoice/

  • Religious Organizations, Anti-Poverty Relief, and Charitable Choice: A Feasibility Study of Faith-Based Welfare Reform in Mississippi, November 1999

    This report, funded by The PricewaterhouseCoopers Endowment for The Business of Government, explores the feasibility of implementing "charitable choice" initiatives in Mississippi. Charitable choice initiatives identify religious congregations as prospective providers of social services in states that contract for service delivery through local nonprofit agencies. Report findings include the following: (1) religious communities currently offer many different types of aid to the needy; (2) several different aid-provision strategies are employed by local faith communities; and (3) a wide variety of opinions on faith-based welfare reform exists among the religious leaders interviewed for this study.

    To view or download: Download Document [216 KB]

  • Welfare Reform and the Faith Community, November 1999

    The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), in collaboration with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), sponsored this two-day conference on building new partnerships between the public sector and the faith-based community in November 1999. The purpose of this conference was to bring together the faith community, community-based organizations, and human service/workforce development administrators to share information on how to support families moving from welfare to work. The conference highlighted the Charitable Choice provision of Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) and the variety of sources available for funding and developing faith-based programs to serve individuals moving from welfare to self-sufficiency. Specific faith-based initiatives discussed at the conference included programs for fatherhood/noncustodial parents, childcare, community economic development, substance abuse and mental health, job training, mentoring, and transportation.

    To view or download: Download Report [377 KB]

  • Charitable Choice

    The Network has created a Q&A on the "Charitable Choice" provision under PRWORA. Additionally, we have compiled a list of Faith-Community Based Initiatives. To view either of these resources, click on the following links.

    To view: Charitable Choice Provision
    To view: Faith-Community Based Initiatives


    TOOLLINE is a Newsletter from Holistic Hardware. This monthly electronic newsletter is for faith-based workers, welfare reformers, and poverty-fighters.

    To view: http://www.holistichardware.com

Non-profit Organizations and Foundations

  • The State Personal Income Tax Recovers, a Rockefeller Institute of Government Report, June 2004

    The Rockefeller Institute of Government has released "The State Personal Income Tax Recovers," State Fiscal News Vol. 4, No. 4. After two years of decline, state personal income tax revenue grew by 6.4 percent in the January-March 2004 quarter. This growth is found in all components of the PIT, including withholding and estimated payments. Final payments with April returns also appear to be strong.

    To view: http://stateandlocalgateway.rockinst.org

  • Needed: New Thinking About Pittsburgh's Nonprofits, December 2003

    Carol De Vita and Eric Twombly authors. This Urban Institute report describes the functioning of the nonprofit sector in the Pittsburgh area. The study was conducted for The Forbes Funds. The report addresses State and local government budget shortfalls, and the trend that more people in the Pittsburgh area are turning to such nonprofit organizations as the Boys and Girls Clubs of Western Pennsylvania, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and ARC of Allegheny County for help.

    To view: http://www.urban.org/url.cfm?ID=900672

  • The Role of Intermediaries in Linking TANF Recipients with Jobs, February 2000

    This study by Mathematica Policy Research examines how widely intermediaries are used, who these intermediaries are, how they operate, and the issues they face in linking welfare recipients with jobs.

    To view: http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/intermediaries00/index.htm

Universities and Community Colleges

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