[Logo: Homes and Communities: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development] Real Estate Assessment Center
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Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC)

  • PIH-REAC Release Schedule:
    All systems will be unavailable from
    8pm ET Friday 15th, October 2004 until 7am ET Monday 18th, October 2004 for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience.

    Scheduled Releases:
    • Friday October 15, 2004 - 8pm*
    • Friday February 11, 2005 - 8pm*
      *Eastern Time

  • Rejected Financial and Management Operations Submissions: A tip on how to avoid a Late Presumptive Failure (LPF) score os zero. More.. (10/06/04)

  • ATTENTION PHA'S SUBMITTING MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS CERTIFICATIONS: The PHAS rule 24 CFR Part 902 Subpart F PHAS Scoring 902.60 Data Collection (d) (1) requires that The Management Operations Certification shall be approved by PHA Board resolution, and signed and attested to by the Executive Director (E.D.). Please be advised that Management Operations Certifications not submitted by the E.D. will be rejected. Read More.. (10/05/04)

  • REMINDER: Small PHAs that were exempt from PHAS for fiscal year end 9/30/2003, due to the Small PHA Deregulation, will receive a full PHAS score for 9/30/2004. Please submit your information by the required due dates per the PHAS regulation. (08/06/04)

  • Attention PHAs!
    PHAS Training is available on-line. (07/23/04)

  • Attention Secure Systems Users:
    REAC is in the process of improving the security of our system. In the latest update to our system, we introduced the first phase of our improved security process: a pilot program for several subsystems. More... (06/02/04)

  • Voucher Management System: The Voucher Management System will start collecting the August, September, and October leasing data on November 07, 2004. Please have your quarterly submission input into the Voucher Management System by COB November 20, 2004. (09/22/04)

  • 09/10/2004 RASS UPDATE: (09/10/04)
    • PHAS scores are available in NASS for PHAs with FYE 3/31/2004.
    • RASS Survey scores are available for review for PHAs with FYE 6/30/2004. The Follow-up Plan Certifications were due 8/27/04-9/10/04.
    • PHAs with FYE 9/30/2004 will have from 12/9/2004 until 12/23/2004 to certify their Follow-up Plans via the Internet.
    • Key Survey dates for PHAs with FYE 12/31/2004 have been posted. More details and deadlines are indicated in the Business Calendar

  • U. S. Department of Social Security Administration’s (SSA)Social Security and Supplemental Security Income Codes Click here to view SSA’s STATE VERIFICATION AND EXCHANGE SYSTEM (SVES) MANUAL. This manual displays the record layouts and codes used in TASS’ SS and SSI benefit history reports provided to Public Housing Agencies, Owners and Management Agents monthly. (04/26/04)

    The Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Public and Indian Housing - Real Estate Assessment Center (PIH-REAC) will use your e-mail address in the Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC) as the ONLY official source of this contact information. More... (03/01/04)

    PIH-REAC applications are only accessible using a browser supporting 128 Bit encryption and SSL3. More... (08/25/04)

  • MF-FASS Audited A-133 Threshold Reporting Requirements Change. The Office of Management and Budget sets new $500,000 reporting limit for non-profit organizations. More
  • LASS Point of Contact:
    Auditors - For questions regarding Independent User registration and Secure System access please contact the REAC Technical Assistance Center at 1-888-245-4860 or send email inquires to Lass@hud.gov. More...



Content updated October 15, 2004   Follow this link to go  Back to Top   
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