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Southern District of Texas
Alternative Dispute Resolution
List of Providers for All Divisions   List of Providers for Brownsville
List of Providers for Corpus Christi   List of Providers for Galveston
List of Providers for Houston   List of Providers for Laredo
List of Providers for McAllen   List of Providers for Victoria

The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) program in the Southern District of Texas is explained in District Court Local Rule 16.4. Parties interested in ADR are encouraged to select a provider (a mediator, arbitrator or other neutral) from the lists of providers approved under that rule. Unless the Court orders otherwise, however, parties are free to select a provider who does not appear on these lists.

Lists are available that show all approved providers, or only those who have stated that they will travel to a specific divisional office.

The listing of ADR Providers as "available" for arbitration, mini-trials and summary jury trials is not an endorsement or representation by the Court that the ADR Provider in fact has been trained in one or more of these processes.

Litigants are encouraged to review the provider's applications, which are on file with the United States District Court Clerk's Office, Room 5300, 515 Rusk Street, Houston, Texas 77002, before making a selection based on representation as to training on this list. Copies of individual ADR Provider's applications may be requested by writing or calling the ADR Deputy, (713)250-5466..

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