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Southern District of Texas
Caseload Statistics

Caseload Statistics

As of August 31, 2002, there were 5,236 civil cases and 3,144 criminal cases (with 4,326 criminal defendants) pending before the twenty district judges of the Southern District of Texas. 31,144 Bankruptcy main cases were pending before the six judges of this Bankruptcy Court. Historical caseload information is available.

The Federal Court Management Statistics, by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts for the twelve months ending September 30, 2001, are:


All Courts 
Total Filings
per Judgeship
575 454
Civil Filings
per Judgeship
357 377
Criminal Filings
per Judgeship
218 77
Pending Cases
per Judgeship
395 447
Weighted Filings
per Judgeship*
598 479
Trials Completed
per Judgeship
44 20
Median Months
From Filing to Disposition, Civil Cases
9.0 8.7
Median Months
From Filing to Disposition, Felony Cases
4.5 6.6
Median Months
From Filing to Trial, Civil Cases
18.5 21.6
% Civil Cases
Over 3 Years Old
3.4 14.0
*Weighted Filings are based on national averages of time required for cases.

The caseload profile for the last six years is available for this district and for all U.S. District Courts. For more information about these statistics, see the 2000 Federal Court Management Statistics, prepared by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts.

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