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Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Daily Digest


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Chamber Action

Routine Proceedings, pages S293-S331

Measures Introduced: Six bills and three resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. 2034-2039, S. Res. 293-294, and S. Con. Res. 87.

Pages S320-21

Measures Passed:

Pension Funding Equity Act: By 86 yeas to 9 nays (Vote No. 5), Senate passed H.R. 3108, to amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to temporarily replace the 30-year Treasury rate with a rate based on long-term corporate bonds for certain pension plan funding requirements and other provisions, after taking action on the following amendments proposed thereto:

Pages S294-S304

Grassley Amendment No. 2233, of a perfecting nature.
Pages S294-98

Specter Amendment No. 2263 (to Amendment No. 2233), to provide for the restoration of certain plans terminating in 2003 (upon division, a majority of the Senators present and not having voted in the affirmative, Senate failed to agree to the amendment).
Pages S296-97

Kyl Amendment No. 2236 (to Amendment No. 2233), to restrict an employer that elected an alternative deficit reduction contribution from applying for a funding waiver.
Pages S297-98

Safe Transportation Equity Act: Senate began consideration of the motion to proceed to S. 1072, to authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs.

Pages S328-29

A motion was entered to close further debate on the bill and, in accordance with the provisions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, a vote on cloture will occur on Monday, February 2, 2004.
Page S328

Messages From the President: Senate received the following messages from the President of the United States:
Transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Presidential Determination 2003-39 relative to classified information concerning the Air Force's Operating Location Near Groom Lake, Nevada; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. (PM-60)

Page S319

Transmitting, pursuant to law, a statement of justification relative to the Australia Group chemical and biological weapons nonproliferation regime; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (PM-61)
Page S319

Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the following nominations:
By unanimous vote of 95 yeas (Vote No. 6), Gary L. Sharpe, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of New York.

Pages S304-307, S330

22 Air Force nominations in the rank of general.
7 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral.
Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Navy.
Page S331

Nominations Received: Senate received the following nominations:
Linda Mysliwy Conlin, of New Jersey, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States for a term expiring January 20, 2007.
Eugene Hickok, of Pennsylvania, to be Deputy Secretary of Education.

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Pamela M. Iovino, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Congressional Affairs).
Alphonso R. Jackson, of Texas, to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
1 Air Force nomination in the rank of general.
Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, MarineCorps.

Pages S329-30

Messages From the House:

Page S320

Measures Referred:

Page S320

Executive Reports of Committees:

Page S320

Additional Cosponsors:

Page S321

Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:

Pages S321-26

Additional Statements:

Pages S318-19

Notices of Hearings/Meetings:

Pages S326-27

Authority for Committees to Meet:

Page S327

Record Votes: Two record votes were taken today. (Total--6 )

Pages S299, S307

Adjournment: Senate convened at 11 a.m., and adjourned at 6:42 p.m., until 11 a.m., on Thursday, January 29, 2004 for a pro forma session. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Majority Leader in today's Record on page S329.)

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)


Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a hearing to examine efforts to determine the status of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and related programs, after receiving testimony from David Kay, former Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence on Strategy Regarding Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs.


Committee on Armed Services: Committee ordered favorably reported 4,763 nominations in the Army, Navy, and Air Force.


Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of Francis J. Harvey, of California, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration, and Lawrence T. Di Rita, of Michigan, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs; and William A. Chatfield, of Texas, to be Director of Selective Service, after each nominee testified and answered questions in their own behalf.


Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the future space mission of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), focusing on exploration activities in low Earth orbit, the space shuttle, the International Space Station, the Moon, Mars and other destinations, space transportation capabilities supporting exploration, and international and commercial participation, after receiving testimony from Sean O'Keefe, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Louis D. Friedman, Planetary Society, Pasadena, California; Neal Lane, Rice University Department of Physics and Astronomy, Houston, Texas; Howard E. McCurdy, American University Department of Public Administration School of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C.; and Richard Tumlinson, Space Frontier Foundation, Nyack, New York.


Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee met in closed session to receive a briefing regarding steps toward rapprochement in relation to Pakistan and India from members of the intelligence community.


Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded a hearing to examine steps toward rapprochement, focusing on the aversion of nuclear war, the status of Kashmir, prospects for detente, and controls against arms proliferation, after receiving testimony from Frank Wisner, American International Group, New York, New York; Stephen P. Cohen, Brookings Institution, and Michael Krepon, Henry L. Stimson Center, both of Washington, D.C.


Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Committee concluded a hearing to examine health issues relating to health care costs and the uninsured, focusing on inefficiencies in America's health care delivery systems, after receiving testimony from Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Director, Congressional Budget Office; Arnold Milstein, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, California; Karen Davis, The Commonwealth Fund, New York, New York; Christopher J. Conover, Duke University, Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Durham, North Carolina; and Gail R. Wilensky, Project HOPE, Bethesda, Maryland.


Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee ordered favorably reported S. 1721, to amend the Indian Land Consolidation Act to improve provisions relating to D33probate of trust and restricted land, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute.

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Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nomination of Franklin S. Van Antwerpen, of Pennsylvania, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit, after the nominee, who was introduced by Senators Specter and Santorum, testified and answered questions in his own behalf.

House of Representatives

Chamber Action

Measures Introduced: 14 public bills, H.R. 3736-3749; and 10 resolutions, H.J. Res. 87-88; H. Con. Res. 351-353, and H. Res. 504-508 were introduced.

Pages H243-244

Additional Cosponsors:

Pages H244-245

Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows:
H.R. 2844, to require States to hold special elections to fill vacancies in the House of Representatives not later than 21 days after the vacancy is announced by the Speaker of the House of Representatives in extraordinary circumstances, amended (H. Rept. 108-404, Pt. 2).

Page H243

Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he appointed Representative Terry to act as Speaker Pro Tempore for today.

Page H129

NASA Workforce Flexibility Act of 2003: The House passed S. 610, to amend the provisions of title 5, United States Code, to provide for workforce flexibilities and certain Federal personnel provisions relating to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration by a voice vote--clearing the measure for the President.

Pages H132-143

Flake amendment that was offered but subsequently withdrawn that sought to require that budget requests for the Administration shall include a statement that demonstrates that the amount that was requested for the previous year was equal to or less than reductions in specific item budget requests made for that same year.
Pages H142-143

H. Res. 502, the rule providing for consideration of the bill, was agreed to by a voice vote.
Page H132

Recess: The House recessed at 10:36 a.m. and reconvened at 10:55 a.m.

Page H132

Recess: The House recessed at 11:49 a.m. and reconvened at 1 p.m.

Page H143

Extending the period for which chapter 12 of title 11 of the U.S. Code is reenacted: The House passed S. 1920, to extend for 6 months the period for which chapter 12 of title 11 of the United States Code is reenacted by a yea- and-nay vote of 165 yeas to 99 nays and one ``present'', Roll No. 10.

Pages H148-H222

Rejected the Schakowsky motion to recommit the bill to the Committee on the Judiciary with instructions by a recorded vote of 170 ayes to 198 noes and one ``present'', Roll No. 9.
Pages H216-218

Agreed to:
Sensenbrenner amendment (no. 2 printed in H. Rept 108-407), making technical changes to the text of H.R. 975 as passed by the House by a voice vote.
Page H219

Baldwin amendment in the nature of a substitute (no. 1 printed in H. Rept. 108-407), that sought to make chapter 12 of title 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy code, dealing with ``family farmer'' reorganization, permanent and expand eligibility requirements (rejected by a recorded vote of 158 ayes to 204 noes and one ``present'', Roll No. 8).
Pages H157-216

H. Res. 503, the rule providing for consideration of the bill was agreed to by a voice vote.
Pages H144-148

The House agreed to request a conference with the Senate on the bill as amended and rejected the Nadler motion to instruct conferees by a yea-and-nay vote of 146 yeas to 203 nays and one ``present'', Roll No. 11.
Pages H219-222

Appointed as conferees: From the Committee on the Judiciary, for consideration of the Senate bill and the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Representatives Sensenbrenner, Hyde, Smith (TX), Chabot, Cannon, Hart, Conyers, Boucher, Nadler, and Watt (NC).
Page H222

From the Committee on Financial Services, for consideration of sections 901-906, 908-909, 911, and 1301-1309 of the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Representatives Oxley, Bachus, and Sanders.
Page H222

Committee Resignation: Read a letter from Representative Sullivan wherein he resigned from the D34Committees on Government Reform, Transportation & Infrastructure, and Science.

Page H222

Committee Resignation: Read a letter from Representative Blunt wherein he resigned from the Committee on Energy & Commerce.

Page H222

Committee Resignation: Read a letter from Representative Bell wherein he resigned from the Committees on Science and Government Reform.

Pages H222-223

Committee Elections: The House agreed to H. Res. 505, electing Representatives Hall and Sullivan to the Committee on Energy & Commerce, Representative Blunt to the Committee on International Relations, and Mr. Hall to the Committee on Science.

Page H223

Committee Election: The House agreed to H. Res. 504, electing Representative Bell to the Committee on Financial Services.

Page H223

Calendar Wednesday: Agreed to dispense with the Calendar Wednesday business of Wednesday, February 4.

Page H223

Meeting Hour: Agreed that when the House adjourn today, it adjourn to meet at noon on Friday, January 30, and further that when it adjourn on that day, it adjourn to meet at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 3 for morning hour debate.

Page H223

Antitrust Modernization Commission: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he announced his appointment of Mr. Donald G. Kempf, Jr. of New York, New York and Mr. John L. Warden of New York, New York to the Antitrust Modernization Commission.

Page H224

Presidential Messages: Read a message from the President wherein he notified Congress of his issuance of Presidential Determination 2003-39 and exercised the authority to grant certain exemptions under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act--referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Page H224

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Read a message from the President wherein he certified the effectiveness of the Australia Group--referred to the Committee on International Relations.

Page H224

Quorum Calls--Votes: 4 yea-and-nay votes and two recorded votes developed during the proceedings of the House today and appear on pages H215-216, H218, H218-219, and H221-222. There were no quorum calls.

Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and adjourned at 8:03 p.m.

Committee Meetings


Committee on Agriculture: Held a hearing to review the Potential Impact of Recent Temporary Guest Worker Proposals on the Agriculture Sector. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.


Committee on Armed Services: Held a hearing on the Operation Iraqi Freedom Force Rotation Plan. Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Department of Defense: Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, USA, Chief of Staff, Army; Gen. Michael W. Hagee, USMC, Commandant, Marine Corps; Lt. Gen. James E. Cartwright, USMC, Director, Force Structure, Resources and Assessment, and Lt. Gen. Norton A. Schwartz, USAF, Director, Operations, both with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection held a hearing entitled ``Freddie Mac's Accounting Restatement: Are Accounting Standards Working?'' Testimony was heard from Armando Falcon, Jr., Director, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Department of Housing and Urban Development; and Martin Bauman, Chief Financial Officer, Freddie Mac.


Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Health approved for full Committee action, as amended, H.R. 3658, Stroke Treatment and Ongoing Prevention Act.


Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet held a hearing entitled ```Can you say that on TV?': An Examination of the FCC's Enforcement with Respect to Broadcast Indecency.'' Testimony was heard from David H. Solomon, Chief, Enforcement Bureau, FCC; and public witnesses.


Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing entitled ``Congressional Review of OCC Preemption.'' Testimony was heard from Julie L. Williams, First Senior D35Deputy Comptroller and Chief Counsel, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; Department of the Treasury; and public witnesses.

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Committee on Government Reform: Held a hearing entitled ``Avoiding `Financial Friendly Fire': A Review of Efforts to Overcome Army National Guard Pay Problems.'' Testimony was heard from Gregory D. Kutz, Director, Financial Management and Assurance, GAO; the following officials of the Department of Defense: Ernest J. Gregory, Acting Assistant Secretary, Financial Management and Comptroller; and Lt. Gen. Roger C. Schultz, USA, Director, Army National Guard, both with the Department of the Army; and Patrick T. Shine, Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Military and Civilian Pay Services; and Kenneth Chavez, Unit Commander, B Company, Special Forces, Colorado Army National Guard.


Committee on Government Reform: Special Panel on Postal Reform and Oversight held a hearing entitled ``Answering the Administration's Call for Postal Reform--Part I.'' Testimony was heard from Brian C. Roseboro, Acting Under Secretary, Domestic Finance, Department of the Treasury; the following officials of the U.S. Postal Service: S. David Fineman, Chairman, Board of Governors; and John E. Potter, Postmaster General; George A. Omas, Chairman, Postal Rate Commission; and David M. Walker, Comptroller General, GAO.


Committee on Government Reform: Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs and the Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform and Oversight of the Committee on Small Business held a joint hearing entitled ``What is the Administration's Record in Relieving Burden on Small Business?'' Testimony was heard from John D. Graham, Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB; Patrick Pizzella, Assistant Secretary, Administration and Management, Department of Labor; Jeffrey Rosen, General Counsel, Department of Transportation; Kimberly Terese Nelson, Assistant Administrator, Environmental Information, EPA; and public witnesses.


Committee on the Judiciary: Ordered reported the following measures: H.R. 1073, To repeal section 801 of the Revenue Act of 1916; H.R. 1768, amended, Multidistrict Litigation Restoration Act of 2003; H. Res. 412, Honoring the men and women of the Drug Enforcement Administration on the occasion of its 30th Anniversary; H.R. 3095, Community Recognition Act of 2003; H.R. 339, amended, Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act; H.R. 2824, amended, Internet Tobacco Sales Enforcement Act; and H. Res. 56, Supporting the goals of the Japanese American, German American, and Italian American communities in recognizing a National Day of Remembrance to increase public awareness of the events surrounding the restriction, exclusion, and internment of individuals and families during World War II.


Committee on Science: Subcommittee on Environment, Technology, and Standards approved for full Committee action, as amended, H.R. 3551, Surface Transportation Research and Development Act of 2003.


Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Held a hearing on the Department of Veterans Affairs long-term care policies. Testimony was heard from Cynthia A. Bascetta, Director, Healthcare--Veterans' Health and Benefits Issues, GAO; the following officials of the Department of Veterans Affairs: John D. Daigh, Jr., M.D., Assistant Inspector General, Health Care Inspections, Office of Inspector General; and Robert H. Rosell, M.D., Under Secretary, Health; and public witnesses.


Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Human Resources held a hearing to review Federal and State Oversight of Child Welfare Programs. Testimony was heard from Wade F. Horn, Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services; Cornelia Ashby, Director, Education, Workforce, and Income Security, GAO;Wayne Stevenson, Deputy Secretary, Department of Children, Youth, and Families, State of Pennsylvania; William Bell, Commissioner, Administration for Children and Families, New York City; and public witnesses.


Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Infrastructure and Border Security held a hearing entitled ``Integrity and Security at the Border: The US VISIT Program.'' Testimony was heard from Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary, Border and Transportation Security Directorate, Department of Homeland Security; Maura Harty, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of State; and public witnesses.D36


JANUARY 29, 2004

(Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


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Committee on Foreign Relations: to hold hearings to examine the protocol additional to the safeguards agreement between the United States of America and the IAEA, 9:30 a.m., SD-419.


No committee meetings are scheduled.


Week of February 2 through February 7, 2004

Senate Chamber

On Monday , at 1 p.m., Senate will be in a period of morning business; at 2 p.m., Senate will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 1072, SAFE Transportation Equity Act, with a vote on the motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to occur at 5:45 p.m.
During the balance of the week, Senate may consider any other cleared legislative and executive business.

Senate Committees

(Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)

Committee on Armed Services: February 3, to hold hearings to examine the DefenseAuthorization request for Fiscal Year 2005 and the future years defense program, 9:30 a.m., SH-216.
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: February 3, to hold hearings to examinefund operations and governance relating to current investigations and regulatory actionsregarding the mutual fund industry, 10 a.m., SD-538.

February 4, Subcommittee on Economic Policy, to hold hearings to examine national flood insurance repetitive losses, 2:30 p.m., SD-538.

February 5, Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine the Office of the Comptroller of theCurrency's rules on national bank preemption and visitorial powers, 10 a.m., SD-538.
Committee on the Budget: February 3, to hold hearings to examine the President's fiscal year2005 budget proposals, 10 a.m., SD-608.

February 4, Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine the President's fiscal year 2005 budgetproposals, 10 a.m., SD-608.
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: February 4, business meeting to consider pending calendar items, 9:30 a.m., SD-366.

February 4, Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests, to hold hearings to examine S. 1354, toresolve certain conveyances and provide for alternative land selections under the Alaska NativeClaims Settlement Act related to Cape Fox Corporation and Sealaska Corporation, S. 1575, todirect the Secretary of Agriculture to sell certain parcels of Federal land in Carson City and Douglas County, Nevada, H.R. 1092, to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to sell certain parcelsof Federal land in Carson City and Douglas County, Nevada, S. 1778, to authorize a land conveyance between the United States and the City of Craig, Alaska, S. 1819, to direct theSecretary of Agriculture to convey certain land to Lander County, Nevada, and the Secretary ofthe Interior to convey certain land to Eureka County, Nevada, for continued use as cemeteries,and H.R. 272, to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain land to Lander County,Nevada, and the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain land to Eureka County, Nevada, forcontinued use as cemeteries, 2:30 p.m., SD-366.
Committee on Finance: February 4, to hold hearings to examine the Administration's Health and Human Services budget priorities, 10 a.m., SD-215.
Committee on Foreign Relations: February 3, business meeting to consider pending calendarbusiness, 9:30 a.m., SD-419.

February 4, Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine AIDS and hunger, 9:30 a.m., SD-419.
Committee on Governmental Affairs: February 3, to hold hearings to examine workforce issuesrelating to preserving a strong United States Postal Service, 2 p.m., SD-342.

February 4, Full Committee, to continue hearings to examine workforce issues relating topreserving a strong United States Postal Service, 9:30 a.m., SD-342.
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: February 5, to hold hearings to examinemaintaining confidence in consumer products relating to mad cow disease, 10 a.m., SD-430.
Committee on Indian Affairs: February 4, to hold hearings to examine President's fiscal year2005 budget request, 9:30 a.m., SR-485.
Committee on the Judiciary: February 4, to hold hearings to examine the nominations of William Gerry Myers III of Idaho, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, William S. Duffey, Jr., to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Georgia, and Lawrence F. Stengel, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 10 a.m., SD-226.

House Chamber

To be announced.

House Committees

Committee on Appropriations, February 4, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary and Related Agencies, on Public Diplomacy, 10 a.m., 2359 Rayburn.
Committee on Armed Services, February 4, hearing on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Budget Request from the Department of Defense, 10 a.m., 2118 Rayburn.
Committee on the Budget, Februay 3, hearing on the Administration's Budget for Fiscal Year 2005, 2 p.m., 210 Cannon.

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February 4, hearing on the Department of the Treasury Budget Priorities Fiscal Year 2005, 2 p.m., 210 Cannon.
Committee on Energy and Commerce, February 4, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, hearing entitled ``The Current State of Competition in the Communications Marketplace,'' 10 a.m., 2322 Rayburn.
Committee on Government Reform, February 3, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, hearing on Effective Strategies Against Terrorism, 10 a.m., 2247 Rayburn.

February 4, Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization, hearing entitled ``Esprit de Corps: Recruiting and Retraining America's Best for the Federal Civil Service,'' 10:30 a.m., 2154 Rayburn.

February 4, Subcommittee on Government Efficiency and Financial Management, oversight hearing entitled ``Should We Part Ways with GPRA?'' 2 p.m., 2247 Rayburn.
Committee on International Relations, February 4, hearing on L Visas: Losing Jobs Through Laissez-Faire Policies? 1 p.m., 2172 Rayburn.
Committee on the Judiciary, February 3, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, oversight hearing entitled ``Law Enforcement Efforts within the Department of Homeland Security,'' 1 p.m., 2141 Rayburn.

February 4, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, oversight hearing on ``Internet Domain Name Fraud--New Criminal and Civil Enforcement Tools,'' 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn.
Committee on Resources, February 3, Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, oversight hearing entitled ``The Impact of Science on Public Policy,'' 2 p.m., 1324 Longworth.

February 4, Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, oversight hearing on Issues Affecting Jobs in the Forest Industry, 2 p.m., 1334 Longworth.
Committee on Veterans' Affairs, February 4, hearing on the Administration's proposed Fiscal Year 2005 budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs, 10 a.m., 334 Cannon.
Committee on Ways and Means, February 3 and 4, hearings on the Administration's Budget Proposals for fiscal year 2005, 2 p.m., on February 3 and 10:30 a.m., on February 4, 1100 Longworth.

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Next Meeting of the

11 a.m., Thursday, January 29

Senate Chamber

Program for Thursday: Senate will meet in pro forma session.

Next Meeting of the

12 noon, Friday, January 30

House Chamber

Program for Friday: The House will meet at noon on Friday, January 30 in pro forma session.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue


Acevedo-Vila, Anibal, Puerto Rico, E68

Ballance, Frank W., Jr., N.C., E70

Biggert, Judy, Ill., E69

Bilirakis, Michael, Fla., E69

Blunt, Roy, Mo., E63

Boehlert, Sherwood, N.Y., E76

Boozman, John, Ark., E70

Calvert, Ken, Calif., E71

Capito, Shelley Moore, W.Va., E61

Capuano, Michael E., Mass., E65

Cardoza, Dennis A., Calif., E65

Carter, John R., Tex., E66

Collins, Mac, Ga., E70

Cramer, Robert E. (Bud), Jr., Ala., E75

Davis, Tom, Va., E75

DeMint, Jim, S.C., E61

Diaz-Balart, Lincoln, Fla., E61

Dingell, John D., Mich., E72

Emanuel, Rahm, Ill., E66, E75

Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E65, E76

Filner, Bob, Calif., E68

Gillmor, Paul E., Ohio, E71

Gordon, Bart, Tenn., E66

Graves, Sam, Mo., E61

Greenwood, James C., Pa., E67

Holt, Rush D., N.J., E66

Johnson, Timothy V., Ill., E62

Lantos, Tom, Calif., E65

Larsen, Rick, Wash., E71

Matheson, Jim, Utah, E67

Meek, Kendrick B., Fla., E69

Moran, James P., Va., E63

Owens, Major R., N.Y., E65

Radanovich, George, Calif., E62

Reynolds, Thomas M., N.Y., E72

Rodriguez, Ciro D., Tex., E62

Rogers, Harold, Ky., E62

Sanchez, Linda T., Calif., E68

Schiff, Adam B., Calif., E64

Sessions, Pete, Tex., E63

Shuster, Bill, Pa., E62

Souder, Mark E., Ind., E70

Tauscher, Ellen O., Calif., E67

Tauzin, W.J. (Billy), La., E73

Thomas, William M., Calif., E65

Tiahrt, Todd, Kans., E61

Tiberi, Patrick J., Ohio, E74

Udall, Mark, Colo., E70

Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E68

Weller, Jerry, Ill., E68

Wilson, Joe, S.C., E67

Woolsey, Lynn C., Calif., E64

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