BLM Logo Bureau of Land Management


What is sold

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is responsible for managing more than 264 million acres of public lands. Public land is undeveloped land with no improvements. Most of the public lands are located in the Western States and Alaska. The BLM does not offer much land for sale because of a Congressional mandate in 1976 to retain these lands. The BLM occasionally sells parcels of land under certain conditions, such as the Las Vegas area of Southern Nevada. The lands are generally rural woodland, grassland, or desert.

The Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998, Public Law 105-263, was enacted by Congress in October, 1998. This law provides for sale to the public of land in the Las Vegas Valley by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). A key provision of the law is that money generated by these land sales will remain in Nevada. This money will provide funding for a variety of land management activities emphasizing recreation sites. Up to 85% of the funds received may be used for:

How the land is sold

The BLM has three options for selling land:

The sale method is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the circumstances of each particular parcel or sale. By law, the lands are offered for sale at fair market value.

How sales are advertised

Land sales are listed in local newspapers and in the Federal Register.

Special restrictions/conditions

Sales conditions are provided in the Notice of Sale. The BLM can sell public land only to U.S. citizens or corporations subject to Federal or state laws. Employees of the Department of the Interior are not allowed to bid. No financing is available. Cashier's check or cash is required.

For more information on the Bureau of Land Management and its programs, contact the BLM Washington Office or one of the BLM State Offices listed here.

For more information regarding land sales, select one of the topics below:

Last updated: 03/25/04

This page was created by the
U.S. Bureau of Land Management,
Lands and Realty Group
1849 C Street, Room 1000-LS
Washington, DC 20240
Phone: (202) 452-5125
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