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Accounting Procedures

FEDTAX II Payments:

The FEDTAX II system will settle tax payments by reporting SF 5515 Debit voucher information to the CA$HLINK II system for the agency's Agency Location Code (ALC). At the end of the business day, FEDTAX II will report summary SF 5515 Debit Voucher information to CA$HLINK II for agencies that have made a tax payment. The SF 5515 Debit voucher information will be reported to CA$HLINK II on an ALC/EIN basis. FEDTAX II will report information for one summary SF 5515 per day for agencies with multiple tax payments for a given ALC/EIN combination.

FEDTAX II will also report information for one summary SF 215A Deposit Ticket per day for the IRS. This SF 215A will equal the total of all SF 5515s reported for taxpaying agencies on a given day.

FEDTAX II Payment Adjustments:

FEDTAX II will process adjusted payments by reporting SF 215 Deposit Ticket information to the CA$HLINK II system for the agency's ALC on an ALC/EIN basis. At the end of the business day, FEDTAX II will report summary SF 215 Deposit Ticket information to CA$HLINK II for agencies that have adjusted a tax payment(s) made on a prior business day. FEDTAX II will report information for one summary SF 215 to CA$HLINK II for agencies with multiple adjustments for an ALC/EIN on a given day. Adjustments are not netted against payments in reporting SF 215 and SF 5515 information.

FEDTAX II will also report information for one summary SF 5515 Debit Voucher per day for the IRS to total the SF 215 adjustments credited to agencies.

Important Information Regarding Payment Adjustments:If an agency makes an error in reporting a payment in FEDTAX II, the payment must be corrected in FEDTAX II, not through CA$HLINK II. Errors may include choosing the incorrect ALC, overpayment, wrong payment date, or incorrect tax type. Errors discovered prior to settlement may be corrected by editing the tax and wage data record or canceling the payment authorization up to 8 PM Eastern time on the settlement date. Errors discovered after settlement may be corrected by adjusting the tax and wage data record up to seven calendar days after the settlement date. For detailed edit, cancellation, and adjustment procedures, please see Chapters 7, 8 and 10 of the FEDTAX II User Manual.

Errors corrected prior to settlement do not effect CA$HLINK II reporting. For errors corrected by an adjustment after settlement, FEDTAX II will update CA$HLINK II with the appropriate adjusting SF 215 or SF 5515 information. Please contact FEDTAX II Customer Service for all questions regarding adjustments, including those concerning SF 215/SF 5515's. Customer Service will contact FMS to facilitate the corrections when necessary.

CA$HLINK II Reporting:

To apply for CA$HLINK II Agency Access, please contact the CA$HLINK II Operations Staff at 1-800-346-5465 (Toll Free) or (301) 887-6600 (DC Metropolitan Area).

The SF 215 and SF 5515 information for FEDTAX II transactions will be reported into the CA$HLINK II system on a daily basis. CA$HLINK II will consolidate all deposit information (including FEDTAX II transactions) and report it to the FMS Central Accounting System (STAR).

Agencies may access FEDTAX II on the day after the payment or adjustment was settled to obtain the voucher numbers for SF 5515 and SF 215 information reported to CA$HLINK II for the previous business day. The voucher number will appear on the FEDTAX II Payment History screen.

Using the voucher number(s) obtained in FEDTAX II, agencies may obtain copies of SF 215/SF 5515 information through CA$HLINK II Agency Access. FEDTAX II transactions can be identified in CA$HLINK II using CA$HLINK II Account Number (CAN)004936. FEDTAX II transactions can also be identified in GOALS (Monthly Deposit Ticket/Debit Voucher Support List) using CAN 004936.

FEDTAX II will not print or mail paper copies of the SF 5515s and SF 215s resulting from tax payment activity. Agencies should print copies of the SF 5515 and SF 215 data for their records because the information is only available on-line via CA$HLINK II for 14 months.

It is important to note that the SF 5515 and SF 215 information for FEDTAX II transactions is summarized at an ACH/EIN level. The individual payment detail to support the SF 5515s and SF 215s is available in the FEDTAX II system.

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