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Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic - A new volunteer program at the Volpe Center

February 2002 - Do you have a couple of hours free every now and then? In the evening? In the morning? On the weekend? This opportunity does not require commitment to a fixed schedule - you set your hours as you go. All that is required is some free time and the desire to help. You can impact the lives of many people - and you can have fun doing it! You may also discover yourself reading that perfect book...

The Task

Many people lack the ability to read print material because of visual, learning, or other disabilities. Attending school under such circumstances is a much greater challenge than most of us can imagine. RFB&D's mission is to make a difference. The organization trains volunteers to record books at 33 local units around the US. The recordings are then distributed world-wide via its central library in Princeton, NJ, to those who need them - current students in all grade levels from Kindergarten to Graduate School. The books cover the large range of material needed - novels, textbooks, history, science, poetry, and much more. RFB&D attempts to assign books to readers according to their interests.

The most common volunteer experience is to become a reader. However, other opportunities are available - including outreach work with students who have print disabilities, with their teachers and parents, and administrative tasks.


We are lucky - the Boston unit of RFB&D is right here in East Cambridge, one block from the CambridgeSide Galleria and about a 10 minute walk from the Volpe Center. Plenty of on-street and garage parking is available nearby.

The Details

Please contact Eran Segev (617/494-3174) if you are interested in volunteering. The volunteer process is described below.

Orientation: The first step is to attend a one hour orientation. RFB&D; holds one to two orientations per week, but if we have a large group they will schedule one just for us. At the orientation you will see a short video, tour the studio facilities, and learn more about the volunteer opportunities.

After the orientation, volunteer sessions last two hours (some evening sessions are 1.5 hours). As indicated above, you pick the day and time of your sessions - each time. You can of course coordinate with others to go together. RFB&D hopes that volunteers will come once a week on average, but no such commitment is required.

Recording Director: At the first two or three sessions you will learn how to use the recording equipment by observing and assisting a Recording Director. The task is not complex, but requires some guidance and practice. Once you can handle the equipment on your own you will be a Recording Director yourself.

Reader: You will be taught the RFB&D conventions of reading textbooks to the visually impaired - for example, how to communicate relevant information in figures, charts, etc. After successfully producing a practice Demo Tape that is reviewed by RFB&D staff, you will become a Reader. At first you can have other volunteers "direct" your readings - that is, operate the equipment while you read and listen for errors. With time you can become a self-directed Reader. The staff will attempt to assign you books according to your interests.

Specialized Reader: If you have an area of expertise, such as Economics, Physics, Mathematics, etc., you can become a Specialized Reader. Only specialized readers can record advanced textbooks in their field, and as such they are a prized resource. You can inquire about becoming a Specialized Reader after you begin volunteering. This may be an opportunity to remain up-to-date with reading material in your field!

The Boston unit of Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic is located at:

58 Charles Street
Cambridge, MA

More information about the organization, Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic is available at

For further information, suggestions, or to provide feedback on the Volpe program, please contact the Program Coordinator, Eran Segev at or 617/494-3174.

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