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Updated: June 16, 1998

DoDI 5120.4 Policy Memorandum

SUBJECT: Electronic Newspaper Policy

DATED: May 29, 1996, AFIS

The policies and procedures in DoD Instruction 5120.4 apply to all DoD newspapers and civilian enterprise publications, whether printed or electronic.

DoD funded newspapers and editorial content of civilian enterprise publications may be posted on DoD web sites. Civilian enterprise publications, including advertising, may be posted to commercial/civilian web sites by the civilian contractor. Although DoD web sites are normally discouraged from linking to commercial activities, the commander may authorize an installation web site to be linked to the web site carrying the authorized civilian enterprise publication.

These publications are considered of little interest to other than the intended audience. Therefore, this should not be considered distribution outside the intended audience.

This policy information will be included in the next revision of DoDI 5120.4. Any questions concerning this policy can be addressed to the American Forces Information Service, Print Media Plans and Policy section, (703) 428-0628.


Warren S. Lacy
Director, Print Media

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