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Image Galleries

Picture of a baby seal

Seals, Whales, Dolphins and much, much more. Check out NOAA's Photo Library for over 20,000 public domain images.

Image Gallery from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory

Galveston Lab Photo Album

Alaska Fisheries Science Center Image Gallery

National Marine Fisheries Historic Image Collection

Audio Files
Whale Songs

A Bouillabaisse of Fascinating Facts About Fish

These are the Most Frequently Asked Questions containing some fascinating facts about fish.

Animated Fish

Vertical line Banner - Fisheries Resources
  Picture of Spencer Baird

from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole, MA.

The Nation's first Federal conservation agency, initiated in 1871, was devoted to the protection, study, management, and restoration of fish. This agency was the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, which was usually just called the Fish Commission. Later it was renamed the Bureau of Fisheries, and still later it became the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Today its direct descendant is NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) or just NOAA Fisheries.

-- MORE --

banner - hot items
red arrow Our Living Oceans - report on the status of U.S. Living Marine Resources
red arrow Fisheries - Regulations and Permits
red arrow Fisheries Permit Shop - online shop where you can currently buy initial and renewal permits for Atlantic tunas, update permit information, and report recreational landings of bluefin tuna.
red arrow Marine Mammals
red arrow Aquaculture
red arrow Commercial Fisheries
red arrow Endangered Species
red arrow Essential Fish Habitat
red arrow Strandings
red arrow Fisheries Economics
red arrow Fishery Market News - The National Marine Fisheries Service's "Fishery Market News" began operations in New York City on February 14, 1938. The primary function of this joint Federal/industry program is to provide accurate and unbiased reports depicting current conditions affecting the trade in fish and fishery products.
red arrow Seafood Inspection Program Publications
red arrow Fisheries Trade
red arrow International Interests
red arrow Recreational Fisheries
red arrow Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics
red arrow Fisheries Trade Statistics
red arrow SEE ALSO: Coastal & Marine Resources

NOAA Fisheries is dedicated to protecting and preserving our nation's living marine resources through scientific research, fisheries management, enforcement, and habitat conservation. NOAA Fisheries is a leading voice for commercial and recreational fisheries and continues to focus its efforts on sustaining our marine resources as we face the challenges that the new millennium brings. Marine fisheries (which extend from state waters to 200 miles from our shores) provide an important source of food for the nation, as well as thousands of jobs and a traditional way of life for many coastal communities. From the Gulf of Maine, to the Gulf of Mexico, and to the Gulf of Alaska, NOAA Fisheries scientists and managers work to ensure sustainable fish harvests; they are the stewards of our nation's living marine resources and their habitats.

Headquarters Offices

red arrow Office of Sustainable Fisheries
red arrow Office of Intergovernmental & Recreational Fisheries
red arrow Office of Protected Resources
red arrow Office of Habitat Conservation
red arrow Office of Science and Technology
red arrow Office of Law Enforcement
red arrow Office of Industry and Trade
red arrow Office of Operations Management and Information
red arrow Employment/EEO/Internships/Careers

Regional Offices and Science Centers

red arrow Alaska
Alaska Regional Office
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Auke Bay Laboratory
Kodiak Laboratory
Little Port Walter Field Station
red arrow Northeast
Northeast Regional Office
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Woods Hole Laboratory
Milford Laboratory
James J. Howard Laboratory
Narragansett Laboratory
National Systematics Laboratory
red arrow Northwest
Northwest Regional Office
Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Manchester Field Station
Mukilteo Field Station
Pasco Field Station
Hammond Field Station
Newport Field Station
red arrow Southeast
Southeast Regional Office
Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Galveston Laboratory
Panama City Laboratory
Pascagoula Laboratory
Beaufort Laboratory
red arrow Southwest
Southwest Regional Office
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Pacific Islands Area Office
Honolulu Laboratory
Santa Cruz Laboratory
Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory

US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated:   December 22, 2003 12:25 PM

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