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EDGAR Dissemination System:
Contact Information

The EDGAR Dissemination system became operational on November 1, 1998. The subscription rate is approximately $52,000 per year. Northrop Grumman offers three payment plans: Full pay, Monthly, or Quarterly.

For more information, the Northrop Grumman point of contact is:

Amir Abouelnaga
Phone: (202) 942-4949
Fax: (703) 256-3371
E-mail: edgarpds@ngc.com

Subscribers are required to enter into a contract with Northrop Grumman.

Subscribers Service includes:

  1. Real-time transmission of all public filings received and accepted by EDGAR.
  2. Re-transmission of public filings that failed to be successfully transmitted because of problems encountered in transmission.
  3. Retention of public filings on a rolling two-day basis.
  4. Retrieval of public filings from ISP back-up in the event that service from primary is unavailable.
  5. A copy of COTS product, FastCopy, to be installed on the subscriber's server to facilitate receipt of transmitted filings.

Subscriber Responsibilities

  1. Ordering data lines (T-1 or high-speed Internet access)
  2. Payment of line costs

Contact Northrop Grumman for current subscription pricing.


Modified: 12/08/2003