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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

EDGAR Rel 8.7 Reduced Content XML Filing Specification

For EDGAR Release 8.7, the EDGAR Reduced Content XML Filing Specification has been updated. The EDGAR Release 8.7 Reduced Content XML Filing Specification can be downloaded via the links below.

The EDGAR Release 8.7 EDGAR Reduced Content XML Filing Specification does not introduce substantial changes in the XML specification or schemas for the supported XML ownership submission types. Mostly, the changes in the documentation are clarifications of current EDGAR processing. However, EDGAR is increasing the size of the company name fields to 150 characters. This change does not affect fields supplied in Reduced Content submissions, but it does affect the XML ownership documents that EDGAR disseminates.

A summary of the changes is provided as follows:

  1. Section 3.3 — Clarification of the value cm(5) used in tables sections 3.4 and 3.5. There is no schema change, however the document clarifies the use of the <directOrIndirectOwnership> and <ownershipNature.natureOfOwnership> elements.
  2. Section 3.3 — Added a new value (*) to use in the tables in sections 3.4 and 3.5 to clarify the total number of <nonDerivativeTransaction>, <nonDerivativeHolding>, <derivativeTransaction>, and <derivativeHolding> entries allowed in the tables and on a form.
  3. Section 3.5 — Included the (*) reference above in the appropriate table cells.

  4. Section 3.5 — Increased the size of the issuerName and rptOwnerName from 60 characters to 150 characters.
  5. Section 5 — A documentation update to add the suspense error message that can result from improper use of the <directOrIndirectOwnership> and <ownershipNature.natureOfOwnership> elements referenced in item 1 above.
  6. Appendix A — Corrected the list of state and country codes used by EDGAR to remove E6 — Montreal, Canada and add XX-Unknown.
  7. ownershipDocumentCommon.xsd — Updated the maxLength value of issuerName and rptOwnerName from 60 characters to 150 characters.

The following documents detail the valid structure and content of the six EDGAR Ownership submission types for EDGAR Release 8.7.

*   Download the EDGAR Rel 8.7 Reduced Content XML Filing Specification now (as of 5/6/04)
*   Download the EDAGR Rel 8.7 Reduced Content XML Schema files now (as of 5/6/04)
*   Download the EDAGR Rel 8.7 Reduced Content XML Stylesheets now (as of 5/6/04)


Modified: 05/07/2004