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NSLS Faculty-Student Research Support Program

Application Form Instruction Sheet
ABOUT THE PROGRAM.   The Faculty Student Research Support Program is designed to encourage new faculty/student research groups to BNL’s National Synchrotron Light Source. Faculty/student groups that are new users to the NSLS are eligible. In addition, newly appointed assistant professors (within 2 years of faculty appointment) and their students are also eligible, even if they are current or past NSLS users. The program covers expenses incurred during exploratory visits to the NSLS and while performing initial experiments. Expenses covered include travel, housing, per diem, and some incidental costs.
TO QUALIFY, you must be from a U.S. academic institution of higher education.
PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM is based on scheduled General User beam time or a scheduled collaboratory visit. Reimbursement commitments are made for one scheduling cycle at a time. Application deadlines are listed below. The maximum number of participants per request is one faculty member and two students/post docs. Participation in the program is limited to two consecutive years (up to 6 beamtime cycles). Guidelines vary depending on budgetary constraints.
SECOND YEAR FUNDING REQUESTS should be justified on your request form in the space provided in number 6 of the form.
GENERAL GUIDELINES.   ORIGINAL RECEIPTS ARE REQUIRED FOR REIMBURSEMENT. Total reimbursable expenses for travel (including per diem during travel time) cannot exceed the coach airline fare. Car rental costs cannot exceed economy car rates (one car per research team is an allowable expense). Housing is reimbursed at the BNL on-site dormitory rate.
APPLICATION REVIEW.   Applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of NSLS Staff and Users. Commitments are made based on the Committee recommendations and budgetary constraints.
Scheduling Cycle Deadline
January - April December 1
May - August April 1
September - December August 1
FURTHER INFORMATION  can be obtained by contacting Nancye Wright in the NSLS Information and Outreach Office at (631) 344-5132 or via electronic mail at NSLSinfo@bnl.gov