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There are two ways to obtain beam time at the NSLS: either as a general user or as a member of a Participating Research Team (PRT). All operational beamlines at the NSLS reserve at least 25% of their available beam time for general users. The process below describes the procedure for applying for general user beam time.

General User Program
General Users are scientists interested in using the NSLS for experimental programs. Access to the NSLS is generally obtained through a peer-reviewed proposal system. Proposals are rated by the Proposal Study Panels (PSPs) and beam time allocations are made by the NSLS Allocation Committee.

Proposal Deadlines
For Beam Time Between: January - April May - August September - December
Deadline (prior to cycle): September 30 January 31 May 31

PLEASE NOTE: All new users submitting a General User Proposal should complete the BNL online registration process at the same time. Click here for information on the registration process. In some cases, it can take up to 120 days for registration approval, so early registration is strongly suggested. If you have questions, please contact the NSLS User Administration Office at (631) 344-7976.