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Weekly NSLS Activities
There are a variety of weekly meetings for NSLS staff and users. These are posted regularly on the TV monitors (User Information Channel 22), along with any time or location changes.
  • Joint VUV and X-Ray Users' Meeting - 11:30am, Conference Room A
    Experimenters and staff meet weekly to decide on any proposed short-term schedule changes, to make announcements, and to discuss issues of relevance to operations. It is recommended that each experimental group send at least one representative to the appropriate meeting. Minutes and proposed long-range schedules are e-mailed to interested users.
    • To subscribe to the email list for X-RAY minutes and schedules, click here.
    • To subscribe to the email list for VUV minutes and schedules, click here.

  • Wednesday Coffee for Users and Staff - 3:30pm, Main Lobby
    The NSLS hosts a coffee break as an opportunity for users to meet one another and NSLS staff members in a relaxed setting.
  • Informal Student/Postdoc Pizza Get-Together - 4:00pm, X-Ray Kitchen
    The UEC sponsors a pizza get-together as an opportunity for students and postdocs to get acquainted in an informal setting.
  • Friday Lunch Seminars - 12:00 to 1:00pm, Seminar Room
    Anyone interested in learning about the exciting research being done at the NSLS is invited to the Friday lunch-time seminar. Two unannounced, informal, half-hour presentations are made weekly by experimenters. Attendees can bring their own lunch or can place a sandwich order by contacting Lydia Rogers at x4746 or lrogers@bnl.gov by 10:00 on Friday morning. Orders must be paid for upon delivery.

BNL Seminars, Colloquia, and Special Events
These events are published on a weekly calendar available at the NSLS mail stops.