NSF provides several ways to research past (since 1989) and current awards:
Award Abstracts Database
Information about research projects that NSF has funded since 1989 can be found
by searching the Award Abstracts database.
The information includes abstracts that describe the research, and names of principal
investigators and their institutions.
The database includes both completed and in-process research.
The FastLane server offers a List
of Recent Awards.
Budget Internet Information System
This server provides summaries of award amounts by state, awardee institution, and NSF Directorate.
Major Infrastructure Awards and Centers
Major support for science and engineering
infrastructure, including support for science and technology centers,
and support for
polar research, is provided through several important NSF programs.
More information is available about these programs on the home page of
the Office of Integrative Activities,
on the NSF's external links
page, and the home page of the Office of Polar Programs.
Honorary and Presidential Awards
Information about these award programs can be found on the Honorary Awards and Presidential Awards pages.