U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Corporation Finance Offices

Office Name Telephone Number

Main Number (202) 942-2800
Office of Mergers and Acquisitions (202) 942-2920
Office of Chief Accountant (202) 942-2960
Office of Rulemaking (202) 942-2910
Office of Chief Counsel (202) 942-2900
Office of EDGAR & Information Analysis (202) 942-2930
Office of International Corporate Finance (202) 942-2990
Office of Small Business Policy (202) 942-2950
Assistant Director Review Offices

Health Care and Insurance (202) 942-1840
Consumer Products (202) 942-1900
Computers and On Line Services (202) 942-1800
Natural Resources and Food (202) 942-1870
Structured Finance, Transportation and Leisure (202) 942-1850
Manufacturing and Construction (202) 942-1950
Financial Services (202) 942-1760
Real Estate and Business Services (202) 942-1960
Emerging Growth Companies (202) 942-2999
Electronic and Machinery (202) 942-1880
Telecommunications (202) 942-1990

E-Mail Addresses

 *   cfletters@sec.gov   This mailbox may be used to send requests for interpretive or no-action letters to the Division of Corporation Finance. This mailbox also may be used for other correspondence, including questions. Remember that your e-mail is not confidential, and others may intercept and read your e-mail. At this time, correspondence must be in standard e-mail text or ASCII format so the staff can easily read and print the material. The letters and questions should include the telephone number of the requestor. These letters will be processed by the staff in the same manner as requests submitted in paper. Questions will be processed by the staff in the same manner as telephone calls.
 *   e-prospectus@sec.gov   Comments about electronic prospectuses and other Internet-related issues can now be sent to a Commission electronic mailbox. The Commission encourages the use of electronic technology in connection with compliance requirements of the federal securities laws, as long as such systems are consistent with the public interest and the protection of investors. Members of the public are invited to use the SEC's electronic mailbox to provide their observations, concerns, and comments about the use of electronic media to satisfy various responsibilities under the federal securities laws, such as the delivery of prospectuses (see Release No. 33-7233). In addition, the public is invited to comment on other systems that may be adaptable to electronic technology, such as investor trading and matching systems, and electronic bulletin boards operated by issuers as well as third parties.

This mailbox may not be used to make requests for interpretative, "no action" letters, or policy advice and staff will not respond to such requests. Such matters should be addressed in writing and sent to the appropriate SEC division, depending upon the nature of the specific matter involved. These requests may be sent via postal mail to the Chief Counsels in the Corporation Finance, Market Regulation, or Investment Management Divisions at SEC Headquarters, or via e-mail to the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Market Regulation.

 *   rule-comments@sec.gov   You may submit comments on proposed rules either in writing, as explained on the first page of each rule proposal, or via electronic mail. Proposed rules can be found on the SEC Proposed Rules page of the SEC website. Comments on proposed rules received either electronically or in writing will be made available to the public.
 *   webtech@sec.gov   Questions about the EDGAR System and the EDGAR materials available on the EDGAR site may be directed to this address.



Modified: 06/13/2003