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The purpose of IRRI is to provide a framework for federal agencies on government-wide policies, tools and future initiatives to account for and to reconcile intragovernmental transactions as it pertains to the quarterly data submission through the Intragovernmental Reporting and Analysis System (IRAS), the closing package and FACTS I reporting.

This Web site provides links to the "Federal Intragovernmental Transactions Accounting Policies Guide," OMB Memorandum: "Business Rules for Intragovernmental Transactions" and other guidance, as well as information on the Intragovernmental Fiduciary Confirmation System (IFCS) and IRAS.

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Sheila Miller
Intragovernmental Policy and Analysis Team
Phone: (202) 874-8305


Updated October 27, 2004

Central Fiduciary Agencies, IGET Members, Agency Operational Contact Lists PDF File

Federal Intragovernmental Transactions Accounting Policies Guide

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