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Research Project: Improvement Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) in Ecuador by Breeding, Maker Assisted Breeding, Integrated Pest Management, and Technology Transfer


Project Number: 210-22310-002-51
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Aug 01, 2003
End Date: Jul 30, 2008

The U.S. Department of State has provided $500,000 for cocoa rehabilitation in Ecuador, tied to overall U.S. foreign policy objectives in the Andean region.The immediate purpose of the project is to increase cocoa production in Ecuador from the current 85,000 metric tons to at least 140,000 metric tons within five years' period of time. Production of cocoa in Ecuador has been degraded due to high levels of disease, specifically witches broom (Crinipellis perniciosa) and to a lesser extent, frosty pod (Moniliophthora roreri). Particular emphasis will be placed upon the production of higher quality 'Arriba' flavor genotypes with premium value to the U.S. confectionary industry. An ancillary objective to increased production is the improvement of small farmer's incomes. Smallholders account for the bulk of Ecuadorian production and are tied to U.S. foreign policy objectives of poverty alleviation, rural development and the cessation of narcotics production in the Andean countries.

The approach will include integrated pest management and biological control, the rehabilitation, characterization, improvement and conservation of cocoa germplasm, and the development and implementation of farmer training. Efficiency of production can be increased in the short term, by applying actual knowledge, mainly on the field of IPM and in a longer period, with research into improved cultural practices, molecular marker assisted selections/breeding, integrated pest management and biocontrol methods and the establishment of clonal gardens of elite materials. INIAP/Pichilingue, where appropriate, will conduct technology transfer, through demonstration projects, advanced training, clonal gardens and participatory learning and action programs. Technical collaboration will be maintained by USDA/ARS, particularly in regard to the identification of markers of disease resistance, marker assisted breeding, selection for quality traits, integrated pest management and biological control. ARS collaborators, particularly CABI Bioscience, U.K., CIRAD, France and WCF will also participate and provide technical assistance. The cooperator will be a critical partner in a coordinating board composed of representatives of industry, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), INIAP, Association Nacional de Exportadores de Cacao (ANACACAO), Union of Rural Cacao Organizations of Ecuador (UNOCACE), Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD ' France), and World Cocoa Foundation (WCF). This board will meet at least annually to review progress and make additional recommendations relating to mutually agreed farmer training programs and cooperative research projects that support the overall improvement and further development of the cocoa sector in Ecuador and the quality of its product. Board members will collaborate with technical, extension and industry partners to implement in-country technology transfer and extension to insure increased 'Arriba' production in the context of improved farmers' incomes.

Project Team
Flanley, Gretchen
Rosenquist, Eric
Carmen Suarez - Research Scientist 301-504-4545

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