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Research Project: Establishment and Monitoring of Diorhabda Beetles for Control of Saltcedar in Texas

Location: Grassland Protection Research

Project Number: 6206-22000-005-20
Project Type: Reimbursable

Start Date: Oct 01, 2004
End Date: Sep 30, 2005

To release the leaf beetle, Diorhabda elongata from the Mediterranean area, in the open environment over a range of ecoclimatic conditions in Texas and New Mexico, to determine their ability to establish and control saltcedar in different ecoclimatic zones.

The beetles will be collected in the field at established sites near Big Spring, TX and placed in cages on saltcedar plants in the field at new sites such as Seymour, Kingsville, Zapata, Candelaria, Ft. Stockton and Big Spring, and along the Pease River between Dumont and Northfield, TX. After increasing their populations in the cages for 1 generation, the adult beetles will be released into the open field. We will monitor their population increase, mortality factors, dispersal, degree of control of saltcedar, and the effects of control on native plant and bird communities.

Project Team
Deloach, Culver

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