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Research Project: Evaluation of Tomato Germplasm for Resistance to Fusarium Root Rot

Location: Plant Genetic Resources Unit

Project Number: 1907-21000-016-01
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 30, 2002
End Date: Mar 29, 2004

The objective of this cooperative research project is to find resistance to Fusarium foot rot (caused by Fusarium solani) in the wild species of tomato maintained by the National Plant Germplasm System.

The accessions wild species of tomato will be screened by submerging the roots of tomato transplants (one or two true leaf stage) into a spore suspension of Fusarium solani for 2 min and repotting the plants in pasteurized UC potting mix. There will be 6 replicated pots of three plants each of each accession. After 4 to 6 weeks (depending on the vigor and growth rate of each accession), plants will be gently lifted, washed, and evaluated for lesion development based on a scale where 0= no lesions, 1= a root lesion less than 3 mm in diamter, 2= a lesion less than 1 cm but greater than 3 mm in diameter, 3= a lesion greater than 1 cm (the taproot is generally completely rotted in this category), 4= completely necrotic root system (dead plant). Experiments will always include noninoculated controls. Where resistance is identified, plant dry weights will be measured against the noninoculated controls. All experiments will be repeated at least once (more if resistance is suspected).

Project Team
Robertson, Larry
Michael Davis - Professor & Cooperative Extension Specialist 315-787-2356

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003

Related National Programs
  Plant, Microbial & Insect Genetic Res., Genomics, & Genetic Improv. I (301)

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