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Research Project: Foreign Exploration for Natural Enemies of the Olive Fruit Fly in Asia and Africa

Location: European Biocontrol Research

Project Number: 212-22000-019-07
Project Type: Reimbursable

Start Date: Oct 01, 2003
End Date: Jun 30, 2005

Perform foreign exploration for natural enemies of the olive fly and establish laboratory colonies for host testing and for field release in California.

Foreign exploration, search and collect natural enemies that attack olive fruit fly in selected parts of Western China, Turkey, the Canary Islands, Reunion Island, and Madagascar. Under quaratine conditions, develop rearing methods for new natural enemies and perform preliminary study of the actual and potential host range of the new parasitoids. When permits are made available, import the natural enemies to the U.S. for further research and eventual fiel release by CDFA and cooperators.

Project Team
Widmer, Timothy

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