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  Foreign Disease-Weed Science
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Research Project: Development of Surveillance, Rapid Detection and Identification Technologies for Threatening Crop Pathogens

Location: Foreign Disease-Weed Science

Project Number: 1920-22000-026-00
Project Type: Other OICD

Start Date: Jun 01, 2002
End Date: May 31, 2007

Develop rapid fluorescent molecular diagnostic assays for plant pathogen causal agents and closely related strains of wheat rusts, soybean rust and maize (corn) downy mildews. Develop remote sensing capabilities for soybean rust to monitor disease progression in soybean production areas of the Southern hemisphere. Conduct sequencing of the soybean rust fungus, and use the sequence information to identify DNA sequences useful in discrimination of geographically distinct rust populations, for determination of geographic origins of foreign isolates. Develop a comprehensive database of DNA sequences, pathogen host range and epidemiological information for target pathogens.

Utilize greenhouse containment facilities to produce fungal biomass for DNA extraction from foreign and pathogen stocks archived in cryopreservation at Ft. Detrick. Work with cooperators at TAMU and University of MN to identify DNA sequence regions unique to pathogen species and engineer species-specific oligonucleotide primers and probes for real-time polymerase chain reaction assays. Work with APHIS PPQ personnel, state Department of Agriculture scientists and land grant university plant pathogen diagnosticians to validate assays in field crop surveys. Contract a multiple-coverage, annotated, full genomic DNA sequence of the soybean rust causal fungus. Work with cooperators at IA State Univ. to develop satellite hyperspectral remote sensing capabilities for soybean rust, and use the capability to monitor disease range and progression in soybean production areas of the Southern hemisphere. Work with bioinformatics cooperators at Pennsylvania State University to collect published molecular and biological information on target pathogens, build a database from the information, and provide secure internet access to the database for scientists and other interested responsible parties. ($3,000,000 supplemental funding)BSL-exempt, 1/17/02.

Project Team
Luster, Douglas - Doug
Bonde, Morris - Mo
Frederick, Reid

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002

Related National Programs
  Plant Diseases (303)

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