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Research Project: Development of Value Added Products from Seed Proteins: Rheological Properties, Performance

Location: Cereal Products and Food Science Research

Project Number: 3620-41440-018-00
Project Type: Appropriated

Start Date: Jul 01, 2004
End Date: Dec 31, 2004

This research is aimed at developing new and/or modified products based on seed proteins such as wheat, and soy. Specific objectives include: (1.) Examine native wheat gluten solubility and extraction using novel field flow fractionation methods; (2.) Determine effect of current commercial grain isolation methods on the functional end use properties of proteins. (3.) Determine needed flow and physical properties required to produce seed-protein based blends, which would be competitive with synthetic-based materials. (4.) Produce seed-based blends with properties suitable for selected thermoplastic applications.

The initial studies will focus on characterizing the structure/property relationships in selected seed proteins using high-pressure liquid chromatography, field flow fractionation, supercritical and ethanol extraction, thermal and rheological methods. The starting rheological studies will examine the flow behavior of isolated proteins in solution. These studies will aid in understanding the complex instructions of these materials under shear and during processing. Later studies will examine the flow behavior of these materials in concentrated suspensions. Based on the range of physical properties exhibited by the selected seed proteins, an application will be chosen which currently utilizes synthetic materials (i.e. automotive materials) or uses protein which could be expanded by improved performance, or lower cost to serve (i.e. dough). Protein-based blends will be produced and their performance will be optimized to duplicate or exceed the performance of the current materials. Possible CRADA partners will be sought to aid in the commercialization of the materials.

Project Team
Mohamed, Abdellatif
Xu, Jingyuan - James
Kim, Sanghoon

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