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  Genomics and Gene Discovery
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Location: Genomics and Gene Discovery

Project Number: 5325-21000-013-00
Project Type: Appropriated

Start Date: Aug 15, 2004
End Date: Aug 14, 2009

Develop the necessary range of knowledge and technologies to use plants to produce chemical feedstocks and fuels with more renewable and more enviromentally acceptable methods than current sources such as petrochemicals. Focus initially on the cereal crops (especially wheat and rice) and other grasses and non-grass species with potential for biofuel development. Coordinate with other ARS and non-ARS projects in specific approaches to biofuel research and development.

To achieve these objectives, an integrated plant molecular, genomics, bioinformatics, plant transformation approach will be developed for the production of biofuels from crops. Specifically: 1) Determine parameters underlying ectopic expression of polysaccharides and proteins in plant leaf and stem tissue, to include stability of expressed products and plant response; 2) Determine potential for altering plant architecture and cell wall structure for altered functions such as more efficient light gathering, storage capacity, and increased efficiency of post-harvest product processing as for straw/fiber conversion; 3) Modify polysaccharide production to enhance ethanol production, to include both existing and novel polymer structures; 4) Develop a repertoire of tissue and development specific promoters, initially concentrating on promoters efficient in the monocotyledonous plants. Formerly 5325-21000-009-00D (8/04).

Project Team
Anderson, Olin
Vogel, John
Tobias, Christian

Related National Programs
  Bioenergy & Energy Alternatives (307)

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