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  Post-Harvest Tropical Commodities Research
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Research Project: Agricultural Postharvest, Value-Added Products and Processing Program

Location: Post-Harvest Tropical Commodities Research

Project Number: 5320-43000-013-04
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 24, 2002
End Date: Sep 23, 2007

To develop innovative agricultural processes, including value-added bio-based products, novel postharvest technologies, marketing strategies, and appropriate training, that will expand and diversify Hawaii's agriculture and boost exports. While the overall purpose of the project is to integrate agricultural technology and transfer that ultimately lead to increased agricultural productivity, emphasis will be placed on environmentally-acceptable and sustainable methods, which provide an economic benefit to the targeted users.

Identify and characterize the nutritional components of various forage bio-mass, sugar cane seed-cane tops, and other by-products from the papaya, pineapple, macadamia nut, and other agricultural industries in Hawaii. Develop technologies to process forage crops and bio-mass waste into new products and the methods to market them. Develop postharvest processes and technical training for adding value, improving marketability and economic viability, and deceasing the processing, handling, storage, shipping and marketing costs that contribute to agricultural losses. Documents SCA with U-HI Manoa.

Project Team
Armstrong, John - Jack
Andrew Hashimoto - Dean - Uh College Of Tropical Ag & Human Resources 808-959-4336

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003

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