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  Tropical Plant Physiology, Disease and Production Unit
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Research Project: Molecular Approaches for Improvement of Crops Grown in Hawaii

Location: Tropical Plant Physiology, Disease and Production Unit

Project Number: 5320-21000-010-01
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: May 19, 2003
End Date: Mar 31, 2008

Produce new knowledge about the molecular biology and genetics of selected crops grown in Hawaii. Determine the genomic structure of, and identify markers linked to important agronomic traits in selected crops grown in Hawaii. Develop improved germplasm with increased resistance to pathogens and pests through genetic transformation. Develop transgene constructs that mitigate potential environmental and biosafety risks of transgenic plants. Assess the potential environmental and biosafety risks of transgenic plants. Develop approaches for managing risks of transgenic plants. Assess the potential commercial application of transgenic plants that are developed. Improve control of transgene expression and create tissue specific and other desired patterns of expression by developing new gene promoters. Identify and characterize regulatory controls over metabolism to improve quality, yield, and production of novel compounds.

Cross lines of papaya to produce families segregating for important agronomic traits and for mapping of extracted DNA with molecular markers. DNA analysis will be based on a variety of techniques to characterize genetic diversity and to identify markers co-segregating with phenotype characters to assist breeders in marker assisted selection. Tissue cultures will be genetically transformed with available and newly developed gene constructs. Risk mitigating gene constructs that consists of short-linked segments of genes or computer-generated consensus sequences derived from sequences of a family of genes or gene segments will be developed. Tissue cultures will be genetically transformed with prior existing and newly developed gene constructs then regenerated into plants for evaluation for resistance to pathogens and enhanced agronomic traits. Promising transgenic lines will be evaluated for potential environmental and biosafety risks under laboratory, greenhouse, field, and simulated commercial conditions. Farming and cultural practices combined with transgenic constructs will be evaluated for managing the risks of viral strains that may arise from recombination of attacking viruses and transgenes. Gene expression will be studied as a function of promoter and enhancer elements engineered for site-specific integration and tissue-specific expression. Genes for altering metabolism will be used in transformation in attempts to improve specific yield and quality parameters of the crops. Formerly 5320-21000-008-01S(11/03). Documents SCA with HARC.

Project Team
Moore, Paul
Gonsalves, Dennis
Stephanie Whalen - Director, Harc 808-486-5411

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003

Related National Programs
  Plant, Microbial & Insect Genetic Res., Genomics, & Genetic Improv. I (301)
  Plant Biological and Molecular Processes (302)

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