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Research Project: Cotton Cropping Practices in S.E. Usa Coastal Plain Farming Systems

Location: Coastal Plain Soil, Water and Plant Conservation Research

Project Number: 6657-21000-005-01
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Oct 01, 2003
End Date: Sep 30, 2005

This research will be conducted to develop and evaluate cotton crop production practices that enhance productivity, maintain profitability, and support surrounding environments. Research will focus on the development of practices for cropping systems with conservation tillage.

Field research will be conducted at Clemson University's Pee Dee Research and Education Center near Florence, SC. Experiments will be conducted to evaluate cover crops and fertilizer N rates. Data will also be collected from a split-field study that was established in 1998. One-half of the field will be managed as farmers typically managed cotton in the middle 1990's. The other half of the field will be managed using newer technologies including conservation tillage, site-specific application of lime and P, and insect- and herbicide-resistant cotton cultivars. Data collection will be intense to provide for spatial analysis of soil nutrients, soil organic matter, cotton yield, and cotton fiber quality. Cotton yield will be measured with a yield monitor and GPS unit mounted on the cotton picker. Three runoff collection sites on each side of the field will measure the amount of water lost from the field and automatically collect water samples that will be analyzed for nutrient, sediment, and pesticide concentrations.

Project Team
Bauer, Philip - Phil
James Frederick - Professor (843)669-5203

Related National Programs
  Crop Production (305)

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