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  Southwest Watershed Research
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Research Project: Multi-Objective Grazing Management in the Southwest United States & Northern Mexico

Location: Southwest Watershed Research

Project Number: 5342-12660-003-07
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 25, 2001
End Date: Sep 30, 2005

Develop planning and evaluation methodologies for improved multiobjective grazing managementin the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.

Develop multiobjective data bases through field experiments, simulation models, and expert opinion. Integrate the data bases with National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) planning and evaluation methodologies and the Southwest Watershed Research Center decision support system. Apply the methodology in Arizona and Mexico at a range of scales from hillslope to small watershed. Transfer the technology in the form of data bases, simulation models, a decision support system, and publications. Documents SCA with U. of Arizona. Formerly 5342-12660-002-11S (12/03).

Project Team
Stone, Jeffry - Jeff
Heilman, Philip - Phil
D. Guertin - Professor 520-670-6481

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002

Related National Programs
  Water Quality & Management (201)
  Rangeland, Pasture, and Forages (205)

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