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Research Project: Immune Control of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses

Location: Animal Diseases Research

Project Number: 5348-32000-019-01
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Mar 26, 2001
End Date: Feb 28, 2006

To develop strategies for induction of type 1 immune responses in small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) by immunization. Documents SCA with WSU. Formerly 5348-32000-015-01S (10/01).

Induce type 1 immune responses in SRLV by immunization. Experimental Design: The clinical status of SRLV infected ruminants is determined by genetic modulation of immune responses to viral antigens; specifically, restricted virus replication and lack of disease progression are associated with type 1 responses to viral antigens, particularly the surface envelope glycoprotein (SU). These observations support a strategy to control SRLV induced disease by directing initial immune responses to viral SU toward type 1-differentiation pathways. Therefore, this objective will evaluate immune responses induced by immunization with plasmid DNA encoding the SRLV env gene and determine the effectiveness of immunization by virus challenge. Development of anti-SU IgG2 antibodies and activation of SU responsive Th1 lymphocytes will define type 1 responses. Animals with type 1 responses will be challenged with SRLV and evaluated for virus loads in peripheral blood monocytes utilizing a TaqMan protocol for PCR analysis and long term disease progression. IBC: MUA#360 CAEV 3-10-04. Documents SCA with WSU.

Project Team
Knowles, Donald - Don
Lindsay Oaks - Professor, Washington State University 509/335-6022

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002
  FY 2001


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  Animal Health (103)

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