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Research Project: Collection and Characterization of Phakopsora Pachyrhizi (Soybean Rust) Isolates

Location: Foreign Disease-Weed Science

Project Number: 1920-22000-027-02
Project Type: Reimbursable

Start Date: Oct 01, 2000
End Date: Sep 30, 2003

1) Observe the effects of the soybean rust under field conditions in countries where the disease occurs naturally, 2) establish an international network of soybean rust scientists, 3) acquire additional isolates of soybean rust for study at FDWSRU, 4) assay rust isolates for pathogenicity on selected soybean cultivars, and 5) use molecular and biological information to assess genetic variability of the pathogen and to provide DAN-based methods for fingerprinting rust isolates.

Soybean rust isolates will be collected from countries where the disease occurs naturally and brought together for controlled studies in the biological containment facilities at the USDA-ARS Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit (FDWSRU) at Fort Detrick, MD. Scientists have been identified in Zimbabwe, Thailand, and India who will collaborate on visits and assist with the collection of soybean rust isolates. Dr. Srisuk Poonpolgul from Thailand and Dr. Clive Levy from Zimbabwe will travel to the FDWSRU in 2001 and 2002, respectively, to participate in developing molecular methods to genetically characterize rust isolates form different regions of the world. Each rust isolate will also be screened for pathogenicity on selected soybean lines under controlled environmental conditions at the FDWSRU containment facilities. The results from the proposed research will enhance our knowledge about the pathogenic and genetic vairability of the soybean rust pathogens and improve methods for detecting and controlling this disease.

Project Team
Frederick, Reid

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002
  FY 2001
  FY 2000

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  Plant Diseases (303)

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