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Research Project: Crop Protection Technology for Potatoes: Benefits and Mitigation of Risks


Project Number: 500-42-001-10
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Jul 13, 2000
End Date: Jul 12, 2005

Provide the U.S. potato industry with a critical assessment of the toxicological information and environmental exposure data for potato pesticides of concern. Provide the U.S. potato industry with an assessment of the patterns of potato pesticide use and assist with development of alternative control tactics.

1) Conduct a thorough review and statistical analysis of the world literature on pesticide residues on potatoes, including processing effects, for possible presentation to the EPA. 2) Review and critique potato pesticide risk assessments. 3) Data supporting or refuting EPA assessment scenarious will be provided to the potato industry in detailed as well as in summary form. The latter task will include developing a short "talking points" guide to the REDs. 4) Data on usage, use patterns, and benefits of pesticide use will be generated for use in risk mitigation efforts. 5) EPA risk mitigation measures will be reviewed and critiqued.

Project Team
Bennett, A. Rick
Allan Felsot - Professor And Extension Specialist 301-504-6915

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