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Research Project: Resistance to Green Peach Aphid, Potato Leafroll and Potato Virus Y


Project Number: 500-42-001-14
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Sep 01, 2000
End Date: Jun 30, 2004

Reevaluate 4x-potato selections for combined resistance to green peach aphid, potato leafroll virus, and potato virus Y; continue to hybridize commercial cultivars to 4x-potato selections that possess combined resistance to green peach aphid, potato leafroll virus, and potato virus Y. Evaluate progeny for resistence; assess the effectiveness of host plant resistance to GPA as a means of limiting spreach of PLVR and PVY in the field

Clones and commercial cultivars will be planted at Rosemount, MN, and screened for aphid resistance by counting the number of aphids on 5 fully developed compound leaves from each of 4 plants per plot. Resistance will be determined relative to the standard commercial cultivars. Aphids will be introduced into the field naturally and desired population levels achieved by application of selective insecticides. The inoculum source for PLRV and PVY spread will be obtained by inter-planting rows of tubers with a high incidence of infection with test plot rows. Harvested tubers will be assessed for the presence of PLRV and PVY using ELISA.

Project Team
Bennett, A. Rick
Christian Thill - Assistant Professor 301-504-6915

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