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Research Project: Introgression of Phytophthora Infestans Resistancegenes into Cultivated POTATO...AND Sexual Crosses


Project Number: 500-42-001-20
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Sep 01, 2000
End Date: Jun 30, 2004

Continue producing somatically doubled germplasm from the 1 EBN species previously identified as being resistant to late blight. Confirm somatic chromosome doubling cytologically. Reduce somatic chromosome number and increase adaption of selected progenies by backcross mating them to S. tuberosum-4x germplasm. Select hybrids for resistance, adaption, ploidy, horticultural and processing traits.

The somatic chromosome number and EBN of new and previously selected resistant genotypes will be doubled using tissue culture, colchicine and treflan. Ploidy levels will be determined cytologically by counting 1) the number of chromosomes in mitotically dividing root tip cells; 2) the number of chloroplasts per guard cell pair; and 3) the number of chromosomes during microsporogenesis.

Project Team
Bennett, A. Rick
Christian Thill - Assistant Professor 301-504-6915

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