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Research Project: Testing Advanced Potato Germplasm for Agronomic, Storage and Processing Characteristics

Location: Vegetable and Forage Crops Production Research

Project Number: 5354-21000-011-05
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Jul 05, 2001
End Date: May 31, 2006

Evaluate advance potato selections for yield, grade, storage capability, and processing quality in order to determine their suitability for release as named varieties, and to determine cultural practices for each selection that will optimize yield and quality.

Produce high quality seed tubers for use in evaluation. Conduct variety trials at several locations in Idaho to determine adaptation and yielding ability of advanced selections from the ARS potato breeding program at Aberdeen, ID, and other breeding programs. Samples from variety trials will be tested for internal and/or external defects, storability, and quality of processed products. Organize large-scale quality trials with industry representatives to evaluate agronomic and processing quality under commercial conditions. Conduct trials to determine optimum fertilizer requirements, seed piece spacing, and tolerance to selected herbicides for each selection. Documents SCA with University of Idaho, Aberdeen, ID. Formerly 5354-21000-009-05S (10/01).

Project Team
Brown, Charles - Chuck
Steven Love - Research Faculty 509-786-9252

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002
  FY 2001

Related National Programs
  Plant, Microbial & Insect Genetic Res., Genomics, & Genetic Improv. I (301)

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