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  New England Plant, Soil and Water Research Laboratory
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Research Project: Control of Powdery Scab on Potato Using Brassica Rotations and Chemicals

Location: New England Plant, Soil and Water Research Laboratory

Project Number: 1915-62660-001-02
Project Type: Trust

Start Date: May 01, 2001
End Date: Apr 30, 2004

Evaluate the potential of selected biological and cultural approaches, alone and in combination, for control of powdery scab disease.

The research will consist of: 1) greenhouse/growth chamber studies evaluating the direct effects of different Brassica crops on the powdery scab pathogen and its disease-causing activities, as well as other soilborne pathogens; 2) greenhouse/growth chamber studies evaluating the potential of various biological control organisms and approaches for control of the powdery scab pathogen and disease; and 3) coordinated studies (with #1 and 2 above) evaluating the combination of specific biological and cultural approaches for enhanced control of powdery scab.

Project Team
Larkin, Robert

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003

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