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Research Project: Charactization of Symptom Expression to Pvy of Potato Breeding LINES...RESISTANCE Earlier in Breeding


Project Number: 500-42-001-37
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: May 01, 2003
End Date: Apr 30, 2005

Characterize the expression of PVY in new breeding lines from US potato breeding programs. Provide timely research results to breeders to aid in selection decisions. Determine the importance of genotype x environment interaction on the expression of resistance. Determine if selection for resistance to PVY can be accelerated among F1 progenies using single-hill field or greenhouse progenies. Determine the importance of genotype x environment interaction on the identification of resistance.

Potato breeders across the US will be contacted and invited to enter advancing breeding selections from their programs. Seed tubers from each line will be sent out for field planting in PVO-spread field nurseries. Clones will be replicated at each location. Fields will be monitored to ensure sufficient aphid pressure to spread PVY. Results from the winter test will be summarized and reported to breeders om mid January. Comparisons will be made bwetween the Minnesota and Hermiston locations for genotype x environment interactions.

Project Team
Bennett, A. Rick
Christian Thill - Assistant Professor 301-504-6915

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