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Research Project: Use of Dna-Based Markers to Identify Genes for Resistance And/or Susceptibility to Internal Heat Necrosis - Year 2


Project Number: 500-42-001-49
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Jul 01, 2003
End Date: Jun 30, 2005

To develop new potato cultivars free of IHN.

Identify amplified fragment length polymorphism markers associated with resistance and/or susceptibility to IHN in a population; covert the AFLP markers to PCR-based sequence tagged sites or microsatellite markers for population screening; test the utility of those DNA-based markers in a series of crosses designed to develop high yielding, high specific gravity potatoes free of IHN.

Project Team
Bennett, A. Rick
G Yencho - Assistant Professor 301-504-6915

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  Plant Diseases (303)
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