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Research Project: Nleap Computer Modeling

Location: Fort Collins Soil Plant Nutrient Research (SPNR)

Project Number: 5402-12130-007-12
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 30, 2004
End Date: Sep 30, 2007

The objective of this cooperative research project is to develop, test, and/or calibrate nutrient management computer modeling based upon the MS XP version of the NLEAP computer model to evaluate and determine the effects of nitrogen (N), cropping systems, irrigation, and other best management practices to decrease residual soil nitrate (NO3--N) and NO3--N leaching from the root zone, improve nutrient use efficiency (especially N), contribute to high yields, enhance product quality, and protect soil and water quality.

1) A computer modeling approach will be used to develop a Microsoft XP compatible version of the NLEAP computer model, based existing NLEAP science, for use in improved management of nitrogen (N) and compatible for downloading from the WEB onto and compatible with suitable computer platforms and operating systems. Providing a robust and stable platform using the latest approved version of XP operating system, but still operable on Windows 98 and other appropriate earlier versions of Windows operating systems. 2) Existing or recently collected data from various experiments and on-farm management results will be utilized in the NLEAP model and where appropriate will be prepared as state of the art reports or for journal publication. 3) An assessment will be made of the feasibility to utilize a NLEAP modeling approach for soil phosphorus (P) and soil organic carbon (SOC) in cropping systems.

Project Team
Follett, Ronald - Ron
Dwayne Westfall - Professor 970-492-7220

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