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Research Project: Ohio State-Usda-Africa Research on Risk Assessment and Management of Gene Flow in Sorghum

Location: Wheat, Sorghum and Forage Research

Project Number: 5440-21220-024-09
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 01, 2003
End Date: Aug 31, 2006

The objective of this cooperative research project is to determine risk of gene flow from sorghum, and to evaluate systems to reduce that risk.

A series of related studies designed to obtain reliable information about the likelihood of pollen-mediated gene flow to wild and weedy relatives in several African countries, evaluate systems for its control, and to provide local scientists with useful research experience. These studies will: 1. Identify the range of wild and related sorghum species prevalent in major sorghum growing regions of selected African countries. 2. Evaluate the extent of crossing between a modern cultivar (hybrid) as well as landraces and wild and related sorghum types in controlled experiments. 3. Evaluate the extent of crossing between a modern cultivar(s) or landraces and wild sorghums that has already occurred in situ. 4. Evaluate systems for reducing risk of genetic contamination within sorghum species.

Project Team
Pedersen, Jeffrey - Jeff
Allison Snow - Professor 402-472-1754

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