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Research Project: Apply and Enhance the Object Modeling System (Oms) for Building New Models for Field, Farm, and Watershed Scales

Location: Great Plains Systems Research

Project Number: 5402-13660-006-03
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 15, 2003
End Date: Sep 14, 2008

Disaggregate existing ARS watershed models (SWAT, AGNPS, REMM, others) into OMS modules and develop new region-customized watershed models. Put NRCS engineering tools into OMS, develop linkages to NRCS databases, and enhance OMS framework for these; Train ARS and NRCS scientists in using OMS and in populating OMS library in various disciplines. Build interfaces to geo-spatial tools and develop land delineations, parameter estimation, and uncertainly analysis modules; Further improve OMS as a functional system.

A parsing tool, developed recently to disaggregate existing large Fortran 77 models, will be improved and extended to other languages ( Fortran 9x, C + +, -), to achieve this objective. Full participation and help of the model developers will be required, with CSU hiring a temporary person to work on this effort under a CSU computer scientist. The NRCS-ITC (Information Technology Center) in Fort Collins will continue to be active collaborator and partner in this effort. NRCS and ARS scientists will be trained by CSU PIs for this job. An OMS applications version (run-time) will be stationed at ITC for NRCS applications. CSU PIs will improve the OMS framework as needed. This objective will be achieved in collaboration with EPA, USGS, and other MOU modeling partners.

Project Team
Ahuja, Lajpat - Laj
Ascough, James
Green, Timothy
Ma, Liwang
McMaster, Gregory - Greg
Luis Garcia - Professor Civil Engineering 970-490-8315

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