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  Soil Physics & Pesticide Research
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Research Project: Investigating the Factors Affecting the Fate and Transport of Agricultural Fumigants

Location: Soil Physics & Pesticide Research

Project Number: 5310-12130-007-02
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 28, 2001
End Date: Jul 31, 2006

Conduct research on the fate and transport of agricultural fumigants (i.e., propargyl bromide) and to investigate the potential for registering propargyl bromide as a replacement for methyl bromide. Conduct research that provides information under "real-world" conditions, both in terms of efficacy and environmental fate. Develop new management approaches that minimize emissions and transport to surface water, ground water and the atmosphere.

Conduct studies to determine the dose response to target organisms using various test organisms and several soil types. The degradation of fumigants in soils will be determined. Radioisoptope methods will be used to determine the degradation pathways and reaction products in several typical agricultural soils and under various environmental conditions. Conduct experiments in the laboratory and field to obtain information on movement, transformation, emission and potential ground water contamination from using soil fumigants. Appropriate control measures will be developed. Conduct experiments to determine plant uptake and phytotoxicity to propargyl bromide. Experiments will be conducted to determine soil aeration times so that plants will not be exposed to propargyl bromide or propargyl alcohol after soil fumigation. Basic information on fumigant toxicity to plants will be obtained. Documents SCA with UC Riverside. Formerly 5310-12130-006-04S (6/02).

Project Team
Skaggs, Todd
W Jury - Professor, Soil Physics (909)369-4802

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002

Related National Programs
  Methyl Bromide Alternatives (308)

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