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Research Project: Development of Cropping Systems for Preplant Methyl Bromide Alternatives for Strawberries in CA

Location: Water Management Research

Project Number: 5302-13220-003-03
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 24, 2001
End Date: Aug 30, 2004

Develop, test, and demonstrate integrated soil, water, and crop management practices for control of soil-borne pathogens and other pests in strawberries as alternatives to the use of Methyl Bromide.

Field trials and demonstration plots will be established in both the central and southern coastal California strawberry-growing areas. Plots will be on owned land (ARS or University of California), leased land (CA Strawberry Commission), and grower fields. The Commission will coordinate with commercial growers and arrange for grower cooperators. Production practices will be provided, on contract, by growers. Production practices, other than those being tested, will follow normal grower practices when possible. Treatment will be determined jointly by ARS and UC scientists and the CA Strawberry Commission and efforts will be cooperative and coordinated to minimize overlap, maximize coverage, and efficiently use resources. Documents SCA with CA Strawberry Commission. Formerly 5302-13320-002-12S (6/03).

Project Team
Trout, Thomas - Tom
Roger Wasson - President, CA Strawberry Commission 559 453 3101

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002

Related National Programs
  Water Quality & Management (201)
  Methyl Bromide Alternatives (308)

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