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Research Project: Small Fruit Breeding in the Pacific Northwest

Location: Horticultural Crops Research

Project Number: 5358-21000-036-10
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 02, 2004
End Date: May 31, 2006

To develop processing red raspberry cultivars that are adapted to the PNW that are machine harvestable. Addition traits to incorporate into new cultivars are RBDV resistance and root rot tolerance. To develop strawberry cultivars that are adapted to the PNW and that have higher picking efficiency than current industry standards. Additional traits to incorporate into new cultivars are: fruit firmness and disease resistance.

The principle breeding system used in the raspberry program will be recurrent mass selection in which the best individuals of each generation are intercrossed to form the next generation for selection. A recurrent mass selection system will be followed; the best individuals selected in each generation will be intercrossed to produce the next generation. Additional cultivars and selections from other programs will be added to the breeding population at any stage. Documents SCA with WSU. Formerly 5358-21000-031-17S (10/04).

Project Team
Finn, Chad
Patrick Moore - Scientist 541-738-4037

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