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  Market Quality and Handling Research
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Research Project: Shelf Life and Quality of Farmers' Stock, Shelled and Processed Peanuts/products

Location: Market Quality and Handling Research

Project Number: 6645-43440-008-01
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 21, 2001
End Date: Sep 20, 2006

Development of handling methods including harvest date and curing techniques and processing methodology for moisture removal from peanuts that impact both farmers' stock curing and shelled peanut blanching and roasting.

Activities involved in the production and optimum harvest of peanut will be incorporated into integrated studies of moisture removal using new microwave technology. Microwave technology will be utilized toward development of a continuous flow farmers' stock (inshell) peanut curing method as well as applied to blanching and potentially the roasting of shelled peanuts. Optimally harvested peanuts will be used to evaluate time and power protocols for removal of moisture from farmers' stock and shelled peanuts. Peanuts will be evaluated by compositional and quality methods, volatile analysis, and descriptive sensory analysis.

Project Team
Sanders, Timothy - Tim
Maryanne Drake - Assistant Professor, Food Science (919)515-6312

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002

Related National Programs
  Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products (306)

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