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Research Project: Yellow Starthistle Biocontrol Research and Technology Development in Idaho

Location: Exotic and Invasive Weeds Research

Project Number: 5325-22000-017-08
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 29, 1999
End Date: Jul 15, 2004

To improve the scientific basis for management of yellow starthistle. Elements are to a) Monitor and evaluate the impact of biocontrol agents on yellow starthistle in Idaho. b) Investigate methodologies for revegetation of yellow starthistle infested rangelands. c) Train agency scientists and land manager in appropriate integrated management of yellow starthistle infested habitats.

Biological control:1) Monitor Larinus curtis establishment and impact 2) Quantify competitive interactions between yellow starthistle biocontrol agents. 3) Monitor establishment and impact of Chaetorellia flies in Idaho. Rangeland revegetation:1) Complete ongoing grass-seeding/trampling study. 2) Develop indices defining susceptibility of rangelands to invasion by yellow starthistle. Technology Transfer:1) Develop pamphlets, brochures and other informational tools on management of yellow starthistle. 2) Train scientists and land managers in weed management technologies through field days, demonstrations, and multi-media presentations. Documents SCA with U-Idaho. Replacing 5325-22000-012-02S 58-5325-4-582. Formerly 5325-22000-012-08S (3/01).

Project Team
Smith, Lincoln - Link
Linda Wilson - Research Associate 510/559-5975

Project Annual Reports
  FY 2003
  FY 2002
  FY 2001
  FY 2000

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  Crop Protection & Quarantine (304)

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