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Research Project: Control of Canada Thistle Through Multiplication and Inundation of the Rust Fungus Puccinia Punctiformis

Location: Foreign Disease-Weed Science

Project Number: 1920-22000-030-02
Project Type: Specific C/A

Start Date: Sep 19, 2003
End Date: Aug 31, 2005

The objective of this cooperative research project is to develop effective inoculum of Puccinia punctiformis for the biological control of Canada thistle. The overall goal is to develop methods for commercialization of inoculum production and the protocols for use of the inoculum to control Canada thistle.

Field studies will be conducted to: determine the destructive potential, over time, of P. punctiformis on newly established patches of Canada thistle and determine the impact of introduction of systemically infected plants, over time, on survival of recently established patches of Canada thistle. Laboratory and greenhouse (quarantine) studies will be conducted to develop molecular markers for 3-4 P. punctiformis isolates and subsequently determine if there is variability in aggressiveness among the isolates and to develop "dynamic inoculum" through co-tissue culture of Canada thistle and effective P. punctiformis isolates. Further studies will be conducted to develop and test establishment of "dynamic inoculum" in the field.

Project Team
Berner, Dana
Paul Backman - Professor 301-619-7316

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